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"Mister Potter, how was she last night?" Professor Dumbledore asked quietly. James tucked my hair behind my ear, "Good, she stayed asleep all night no nightmares." He purred, I squeezed the hand I was holding. "You know Mister Potter, the last time you two were in this position, I said things I deeply regret." Dumbledore spoke.

"I said she wasn't the right choice for you, I still stand by that at times, because I do think you and Miss Evans are meant for each other. But the love you showed her last night, is making me rethink." He chuckled. "Oh, sir. We aren't, I'm not in love with her or anything, I love F-Lily." He explained. "Your heart and brain are saying different things, Mister Potter." Dumbledore chuckled and left.

James stroked my hand and played with my hair, I slowly stretched my legs and arms. "Morning, Fallon." He whispered, I hummed and sat up. "How are you feeling?" he asked, placing a hand on my lower back. I pushed his touch off me, "Where's Viv?" I mumbled, rubbing my eyes. "She, Regulus, Sirius and Remus are getting breakfast." He rubbed the back of his head.

I stood up and placed the sweats and long sleeve that Regulus brought me last night. "I really don't think Madam Pomfrey would want you to leave." He mumbled, I ignored him and slid on my shoes. "Fallon?" He groaned, I glared at him before grabbing my wand. He pulled my wrist and brought me into his chest. I bit my tongue and slowly looked up at him. He tucked my hair behind my ear again.

"I-I'm glad you're okay." He whispered, staring into my eyes. "Let go." I whispered, not even hearing my own voice. "Love," He choked. I got out of his grip, I held my hand up. "I'm not your love, I'm not anything to you. So I would appreciate it if you stopped with the mixed signals." I hissed before leaving the hospital wing.

I reached the Great Hall and sat with Viv and Reg. Sirius and Remus stood up and walked over to us. Sirius kissed my head and Remus rubbed my back. "I'm fine." I mumbled before I grabbed toast. "Fal, Madam Pomfrey wants you back." James ordered, I rolled my eyes and continued to eat. "Fallon, come on." He whined. "Potter, I'm eating." I hissed, grabbing grapes. He grabbed my waist and picked me up, I let out a small cry of pain.

He stopped and slowly let me go, "A-are you okay?" He muttered, cupping my cheeks. I shoved him back and leaned into Sirius' arms. I held my side and glared at James. I pushed past him and walked towards Madam Pomfrey, James trailed behind. "Fallon, are you okay? I'm sorry." James held my waist. I smacked his hands off me, "Stop touching me!" I snapped. "Fallon," James whispered, I turned around.

"James?" Lily questioned, he let his hand fall slowly off my waist. "Hey, I'm taking Riddle to the Hospital wing. I'll meet you in a minute." He smiled and kissed her lips, she smiled and walked away. "You're a prick." I whispered before walking to the Hospital wing. James pulled me into a secluded hall, he pinned me to the wall. "You have a girlfriend!" I whisper-shouted, he rolled his eyes and brought his hands up to my face.

"James," I pulled my face away from him, he gripped my face tighter. "Fal, are you okay?" He caressed my cheek. "Fine, can I go?" I huffed. "Fal, about what your dad gave you." He mumbled slowly. "Potter, mind your own business." I hissed. "Fal, it is my business." He snapped pulling me into his chest. "It is not! We aren't dating, we aren't friends, so stay the hell out of my life." I spit.

"Fallon!" He shouted, I flinched and looked at him. "Do you still love me?" He whispered, softening his look. "I want the truth." He added, I looked to the side. "Fal," James whispered. "Of course I do James. I love you so much and I hate myself for it. You are with Evans, I need to let you go. So please, James. Just let me go as well. You and Lily are happy, so just stop this." I begged, tears falling down my cheeks.

"I still love you, Fallon." He whispered, drying my tears. "Just let me go." I choked. He lifted my face up and leaned down. "James don't." I choked. "I'll go back to hating you, just give me this." He cried. I slowly nodded, he smiled gently and pulled me up to meet him. He gently kissed my lips, caressing my cheek. I pulled away and left towards the hospital. As I walked in Madam Pomfrey and Professor McGonagall were already scolding me for leaving early. I sat on the bed and got patched up again.

Ravenclaw v Gryffindor

"Fal, come support me!" Sirius whined. "You have Rem." I pointed out and Viv snickered beside me. "Yes but you get quidditch!" Sirius cried, Remus scoffed and continued to eat his breakfast. "If I say yes will you kindly fu-" I started, but Peter shoved a muffin in my mouth. I glared and continued to eat the muffin. "What is Riddle doing here?" James snapped.

"Ease up, Prongs." Sirius snapped, I turned to Viv and Regulus. "Is she coming to the game?" James asked obnoxiously. "Sirius smacked his head while Remus shoved food in his face. "Sirius, do you really want to be with her, he father tried to get rid of her." James snapped. I dropped my fork and stood up. Sirius and Remus grabbed my hands. I kissed Sirius' cheek, "Good luck, Sirius." I whispered before walking out of the Great Hall.

Viv walked out with me and held my hand. "Hey, Fal! Oh, are you okay?" Lily whispered walking closer. "James is a prick." I laughed and wiped my tears. She laughed lightly and nodded, " He can be." She mumbled. I walked with Remus to the pitch, Peter joined us while Viv, Regulus and Lily walked together. "Rem, can I talk to you later?" I whispered, he nodded and smiled.

Once we got into the stands Liam started to shout out the players names. Once Sirius and Marlene were announced I cheered and clapped for them. "THE GRYFFINDOR SEEKER! JAMES POTTER!" Liam shouted, the Gryffindor crowd cheered like crazy. As the game moved on James beat the Ravenclaw seeker to the snitch. The Ravenclaw seeker crashed into the ground while James flew upward with the snitch in his grasp.

"JAMES CAUGHT IT! GRYFFINDOR WINS!" Liam shouted. The Gryffindor crowd cheered as James flew down, Remus and I went to hug Sirius. Remus pulled him into a quick kiss, I laughed at Sirius' crimson cheeks and neck. I hugged him and patted his back. "Good job, Sirius!" I cheered. Marlene hugged his back, "Nice job Black!" she cheered.

James patted Sirius' back and looked at me. He smirked at me and hugged Marlene. 'You look good in Gryffindor colors.' James used occlumency on me. I glared and hugged Remus, "I'll see you in the common room, yeah?" I whispered, he nodded and I walked away. As I reached the common room, Severus grabbed my arm. "Prick!" I shouted, shoving him back.

"Shut it! Here." He hissed and handed me a letter. I took it and opened it, I sighed as I realized it was from my father. 'Dear Fallon, I've heard you've given the letters that were meant for your eyes to Dumbledore. I really hope you read it before handing it off to him. You'll regret it deeply if you didn't. Come home this summer.' I read, I looked up at Severus.

"You're a death eater now?" I scoffed, he looked away. "I expected more from you, Sev. You saw what he did to me and you still joined him!" I shouted, furious with him. James, Remus, Sirius, Peter, Viv, and Regulus walked up behind me. "Tell him to fuck off, I'm not coming home!" I shouted. Remus pulled me back into his chest while Sirius and Regulus walked closer to Severus.

"Get lost Snape." Regulus snapped. Severus handed Regulus a note, Sirius went to grab it but Regulus pulled away. "Leave Snivellus." Sirius spit, he looked at me and left quickly. "What did he want?" Remus whispered, James walked closer to me. "My father wants me home." I answered quickly. James scoffed and Sirius shoved him in the common room.

"The papers I gave Dumbledore, he said I should have read them first. If that's the case I will go ask Dumbledore if I could read them." I explained once Sirius got back from shoving James in the room. "I'll go with you, Fal." Sirius smiled. "Fal, stay with me for the summer." Viv spoke up, I smiled and nodded. "Thank you Viv, you're great." I laughed as she took my hand and walked into the common room together.

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