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August 27, 1977

Fallon's 17th birthday

James POV

"Morning MOM! What are you doing!?" I frantically questioned noticing the birthday decorations. "It's Fallon's birthday today, James." She scoffed. "Yes, I know. But I also know she hates her birthday because that is the day her father killed her mother!" I whisper-shouted. She dropped the pan and turned to me frantically. "Go distract her, I'm going to get rid of everything!" She shoved me out.

I walked up the stairs and into Fallon's room. "Hey, morning Fal." I choked. "Give me a minute! I'm changing." She announced, I stopped and waited by the door. She opened it and smiled, she was dressed in black shorts and a Gryffindor shirt, most likely Sirius'. "Er, Happy Birthday." I mumbled. "Right, thank you." She smiled and pushed her way past me. "Fal, wait!" I shouted, chasing after her.

She stopped and turned around. "Er, I- I um." She laughed at me and walked into the kitchen. My mom was holding the 'Happy Birthday Fal' sign when she walked in. Fallon stopped moving and looked at my mom. "Fallon, honey I'm so sorry! James just told me you hate your birthday." My mom explained while she put the sign down. "Mia, it's not a big deal. Thank you." Fallon choked.

Sirius walked in and noticed the sign and decorations. "How is she?" He whispered to me, I shrugged and watched. "HAPPY BIRTHDAY FALLON!" My dad shouted, bringing her into a big hug. Fallon smiled and laughed forcefully. "Happy Birthday Fal!" Peter cheered, walking in and handing her a small gift. She took it and ruffled his hair. "Fal," My mom spoke softly. "It's alright." Fallon shook her head and walked with my dad to the breakfast area.

Lily used the floo to arrive at my house. "Oh, happy birthday Fallon!" She shouted as she hugged me. I coughed uncomfortable, my dad dragged Fallon into the living room. Him and my mom brought out her gifts. "Mia, Fleamont, this wasn't necessary." Fallon muttered. "Nonsense dear!" My mom smiled and handed her a small box. She opened it and inside were earrings that matched the necklace I had given her during her Marriage Ball.

My father bought her some muggle sweaters she saw in Remus' magazine. Sirius and Regulus bought her a bracelet again but this time it was her mother's old bracelet, they got it fixed up. She cried a bit before tackling them in hugs and kisses. Remus bought her new muggle books and Peter got her sweets. Finally Viv and Marlene got her new makeup from the muggle world.

She hugged everyone before they moved into the kitchen, Lily walked to go talk to my mom. I grabbed Fallon's wrist and pulled her closer to me. She looked up and eyed me carefully. I scoffed and pulled her into a tight hug, eventually she wrapped her small arms around my waist. I ran my fingers through her locks, "Your gift is on my bed. It's a small green box." I whispered.

She pulled away and glared. "I didn't need anything." She groaned. "Shut up and take the gift." I teased. "You know I still love you. And I know I'm with Evans, but it doesn't mean I stopped loving you." I whispered, kissing her temple before walking into the kitchen. "Where's Fallon?" My mom asked angrily. "You act like I killed her! She's putting her gifts in her room." I explained.

Fallon POV

I grabbed my gifts and made my way up the stairs. Dropping all my gifts on my bed I walked down the hall to James' room. Once I walked in, my eyes fell on his bed. Noticing the small green box and a letter attached to the box. Picking up the box and letter, I sat on his bed and opened the letter. Noticing James' messy handwriting, it seems almost frantic, I laughed and leaned against the wall.

          Dear Fallon,

Happy Birthday! I know, I know. You hate this day. I completely understand why, but it's hard for the rest of us to hate it. No, I'm not being a dick. I'm not saying that because we didn't know your mom, don't make me look like a prick. I'm saying, it's hard to hate a day when you were born. It's hard for me to hate the day that made it possible for you to be in my life. I guess the first of September is to thank for that as well. What I'm trying to explain is, I'm sorry but I'm also not sorry for celebrating a day you came into the world. Think of how boring Hogwarts would have been if you weren't constantly telling how much my ego makes up for the size of me. Which was completely rude and uncalled for. I know we haven't been on the best of terms, but I need you to understand this. I love you so much, it gets unbearable to not be with you. But, like you said I have to let you go. Just always know, I love you Fallon Abigail Riddle.

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