T H I R T Y - F O U R

173 12 11

August 30, 1993

"Minister, if you would just listen for a second." I snapped slightly. "Fallon, I have and still do believe Sirius Black is to blame for the Potter's deaths." He sighed and massaged his temples. "I'm baffled you aren't begging me to find him faster." He added. "You don't understand, Minister." I started.

"I don't think you understand, Fallon. Sirius Black is a murderer. Get it through-" He was cut off. "Minister, Harry Potter performed magic on his Uncle's sister and is on the knight bus." Kingsley spoked rushed. "Where is he headed?" The minister asked. "Leaky Cauldron." Kingsley spoke.

"Minister, I hope you know I am not done with this conversation." I added as he tried to lose me. "Fallon, I am a bit busy at the moment." He huffed. "Yes well-" He apparated out of sight. "Fucker." I mumbled before apparating to the Leaky Cauldron. I caught up to him, he noticed and huffed. "I'm not a teenager, Minister. I know how to apparate." I smirked walking up to his office.

"I have to speak with Mister Potter." He sighed and looked at me. "Alright so I'll make this quick if you just listen." I was growing more and more aggravated. He gestured for me to go on. "Minister, Sirius Black would have rather died than tell my father where the Potters were. I mean he didn't even tell his husband." He went to speak.

"Continuing on, Sirius came to us before you caught him. Muttering about how Peter did it, Peter killed them. Don't you find it a bit odd that you could only find a finger?" I asked, the door swung open. Harry walked in with Tom, Hedwig hooted at Harry. "Minister," I spoke softly. "I have no control over this situation, Fallon." He brushed me off.

"Will you just look over the evidence?" I pushed the folder closer. "Fallon! I don't have time to deal with this theory you've had on how Sirius Black is innocent. Don't mention his name to me unless it is to tell me he's guilty." He spit, tossing the folder into the bin. I crossed my arms and glared intensely. "I'll be sure to let Skeeter know how you treat war heroes." I spit before walking out.

Harry grabbed my hand before I could walk out fully. I looked at him, "What's up kid?" I asked, he looked to the side. "If it's not any trouble. Ca-can I go ho- Can I talk to you?" He smiled, I rubbed his cheek. "I'll wait downstairs." I smiled and walked down the stairs. After about five minutes the Minister walked over with Harry behind him. "He must stay here." The minister hissed.

I smiled at Harry and motioned him to the chair next to me. "Would you like food?" I asked, he nodded timidly. I handed him a menu, "Er, I don't have money on me." He mumbled. "I never said you had to pay." I smirked, sipping the butterbeer. He smiled and ordered food, Tom looked at me. "Put it on my tab, I'll get it before I leave." I smiled, he nodded and left.

"You wanted to talk?" I smiled, sitting up more. He fidgeted in his seat, I placed my hand on his. "I'm not going to hurt you, if that's why you're nervous." I gave a small smile. "Sorry." He muttered, "No need." I grabbed my cup. "What do you know about Sirius Black?" Harry asked rushed, I looked over my cup.

Placing it down, I swallowed the butterbeer and looked at Harry. "What is it that you want to know?" I asked. "He's a murderer, a follower of the, well your father." He was nervous. "Would you like what most of the Wizarding world thinks or what I believe?" I asked, Tom placed Harry's plate down.

"Er, the wizarding world." He mumbled before taking a bite. "The minister as well as many others believe that Sirius Black murdered 13 muggles and a friend of mine. Among a lot more that I believe, that I am not at liberty to tell you." I sighed. "Why not?" Harry asked, reaching for his butterbeer. I sighed and ran my hand down my face. The floo lit up and Mattheo stepped out.

"Mattheo." I groaned, he smirked and kissed my cheek. "Elara gave Uncle Moony a fright and I slipped away." He laughed and took my butterbeer. "Can I get food? Aunt Viv was scolding Renee for flirting with the Weasley boy." He huffed looking through the menu. "Yes, put it on my tab, and get me another butterbeer." I rubbed my temple. He kissed my temple, "Potter." He hissed before walking away.

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