F O R T Y - T H R E E

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"Harry, how would you feel about Fal and Mattheo taking the name Potter?" James asked as I walked into the kitchen. "What?!" Harry and Mattheo looked at me. "I meant privately!" I scolded, James smirked. I smacked his head, he frowned and walked behind me. "Would you boys like that?" James asked.

"James, stop." I sighed and pulled away. "Come on." James pulled my waist, I slapped his hands. "MOM! Freddie's a-" Viv stopped when Sirius eyed her. "What did Fred do?" Sirius asked, James was pulling me closer. "James enough. Talk to the boys later." I shoved his shoulders. "Nothing Uncle." Renee blushed and hid the letter.

"Elara, why are your cheeks red?" Remus asked, Harry smirked before turning back to his dad. "Renee, did he hurt you?" Sirius pushed? "Merlin, no!" Renee exclaimed. "Dad, that's weird." Harry cringed. Mattheo scoffed lightly. "Dad, stop poking my face!" Elara whined.

"Très bien! Sirius, arrête de harceler Renee! Remus, laisse Elara tranquille! Harry, arrête de sourire comme ton père! Mattheo, coupe l'attitude! Viv, aide ta fille! Elara, arrête de rougir! Renee, parle-lui! James, tais-toi, nous n'avons pas besoin d'en discuter maintenant!"

(Alright enough! Sirius, stop harassing Renee! Remus, leave Elara alone! Harry, stop smirking like your father! Mattheo, cut the attitude! Viv, help your daughter! Elara, stop the blushing! Renee, just talk to him! James, shut up we don't need to discuss this now!) I used google translate so sorry if it's wrong.

Everyone froze and stared at me. "Qu'est ce que tu regardes! Idiots, vous tous! Un mot de plus et je vous jette un sort!" I spit before turning back to dinner, muttering curses under my breath as I relish in the peace from their silence.

(What are you looking at! Idiots, the lot of you! One more word and I'll hex you all!)

"Love, y-you spoke a different language." James muttered nervously. I slammed the pot down and walked out of the kitchen. "Fal?" James reached for me. "Leave her, Prongs." Sirius stopped him. I went to my room and slammed the door. I crawled into bed and curled under the covers. "Someone wants my dad back." I breathed shakily.

Harry POV

"Can anyone translate?" Elara asked, she looked up at me before blushing and looking away again. "In summary, we pissed her off. She wanted us to not speak and James spoke, throwing her back into anger." Sirius sat back in his seat. "I can go talk to her." Mattheo stood slowly, Remus shook his head. 

"It's best to just let her cool off." He sighed and rubbed his face. "I'll go get take out." Viv announced dragging Renee with her. "I'm going to my room." Mattheo walked away. Sirius, Remus and my dad walked away leaving me and Elara alone again. I smirked and watched as she fumbled with her shirt.

"Stop smirking." She snapped, I chuckled and sat close to her. She looked over at me, I smiled at her in return she rolled her eyes. "You're acting like your father." She shoved me to the side. "How do you know what he acted like?" I questioned, grabbing her hand. "This," She pointed towards me. "Is how he acts with Aunt Fal." She shrugged.

"Harry! Cho's written to you! She used a lot of erm, words of endearment."Mattheo shouted, I looked at Elara. "Cho? Never saw you for older women." She smiled and walked out. Mattheo showed me the letter, "Good for you, getting over Elara." He teased. "I kissed her." I mumbled quietly. "Who, Cho?" He asked, sitting at the counter. "Elara." I looked up to be met with Mattheo's angry face.

"You kissed Elara?" He hissed, standing up. I stood up with him, slowly backing away from him. "Why are you so mad?" I asked, putting my hands up. "She's not a toy, Potter!" He shouted, "I know that!" I shouted back. "I'm going to kill you." He muttered, I ran out of the kitchen and into the next room.

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