F O R T Y - S I X

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-Third Task-

"Harry, how are you feeling?" I asked, rubbing his cheek. "A bit nervous, but ready for this to be over with." He sighed and ate his eggs. "Good luck, Harry." Renee kissed his temple before sitting with Fred, George and Lee. James ruffled Harry's hair, "Don't be nervous, kid." He smiled and sat with him to eat.

Mattheo patted Harry's back before looking at me. I kissed his forehead and pulled him into me. "Mom," Mattheo groaned, I smirked and let him go. "Good luck Harry. I love you." I kissed his cheek and walked towards McGonagall. I noticed Igor and Severus whispering in hushed tones.

McGonagall tried to grab my hand, I moved and marched up to them. "Something bothering you two?" I asked, searching their faces for a tell. Severus kept his face straight, Igor on the other hand, fidgeted nervously. "Do you feel it too?" Igor whispered, his eyes scanning the room. "How bad is it burning?" I asked, looking at Igor. "Not, not as bad as when we got it." Severus interjected.

I sneered at Severus before James pulled me away. "There is something not right, James." I huffed. "Love, focus on our son." James chuckled as he led the way to the stands. Elara kissed Harry's lips gently. "Get out of your head, scarhead." She chuckled and hugged him. "Come back to me." She smiled and walked to Renee who was distracting Mattheo.

I pulled Harry out of his trance as James and I walked out with Harry and the other champions. The task started and Cedric and Harry walked into the maze first. I kissed James' cheek and walked to McGonagall to patrol the outside of the maze. Within half an hour a red spark flew up, all the teachers patrolling rushed to the sparks.

Fluer was out first, McGonagall stayed with me. "I-I don't trust this Fallon." McGonagall admitted, looking around the maze. "I don't either. Severus and Igor have been having problems with their mark." I explained she sighed. Another set of red sparks flew up. We all rushed again, "He's cursed!" Severus shouted.

I helped Severus take Viktor to the start, "Imperioused?" I frowned, Severus nodded. Igor ran down and started to argue with Severus and Dumbledore. "Do you know who cursed you, Viktor?" I asked, cleaning up his cut lip. "No.I don't remember anything after entertaining the maze," he admitted.

"Sev, he can't remember anything. It's definitely an imperious curse." I stood up. Igor went to argue with me and Severus while Dumbledore left to tell Moody. Before Igor could talk both Igor and Severus hissed in pain, gripping their left forearm. Igor ran out of the stadium quickly, almost as if he apparated. I grabbed Severus' hand, "Explain, now." I demanded.

"He's calling on us." He huffed, trying to control the pain. "Where?" I demanded, he looked up at me. "Your mother's grave." He sighed, I pulled away. Dumbledore reached us again, "Professor, put the protective charms down enough to where I can apparate out. It's important." I demanded. He hesitated before complying.

I apparated to my mother's grave, hiding behind the large tomb stone. "Welcome my friends, 13 years it's been. Yet, here you stand before me, as though it were only yesterday." My father laughed maniacally. I noticed Cedric dead on the floor, I looked away and held my sob in. "Harry Potter, the boy who lived." My father hissed. "M-My lord?" Lucius choked, grabbing his attention.

"What is it, Lucius?" He snapped. "Y-It seems that we ha-have a guest." Lucius stuttered, pointing to the tomb I was hiding behind. "Ah! Good catch Lucius. Show yourself!" My father screamed. I chuckled and shot Lucius with a curse. He flew backwards, holding his side. "No one likes a snitch, Lucy." I snapped, walking out from the stone.

"My pathetic daughter." Voldemort smirked. "Now, is that any way to talk to your daughter? Especially when she told Barty Jr to use polyjuice potion to turn into the auror Alastor, Mad-Eye, Moody." I smirked. "Did you?" He questioned, looking at Peter. "Of course, Peter wanted to take the credit! He needs to get on your good side. I, however, am always on your good side, being your child." I raised my eyebrow as a challenge.

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