Thursday, april 1st 2021

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I think I want to tell you about my life before I start writing about my days. This is probably the last part about my life and the next one will be about my day. Today I want to talk about my mental health so trigger warning!!!! I also want to talk about my "best friend" I feel really bad for her. I don't like her anymore. It's like I've grown out if her. Everything she does makes me cringe and makes my eyes roll. It's not her fault. I need some room but she won't let me. She talks to me all the time even though I never really talk back. I don't really want to talk too much about my mental health bc it's triggering. But it's been really bad lately and I haven't had that much emotion. Except for sad. I always feel sad. Anyway this was really short but I will probably see you tomorrow and I will probably be talking about my day.

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