Friday, april 16th

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Today was our distance learning day. It was also my mom's birthday! I wanted to post again because I am officially addicted. Anyway since my moms a teacher, she had to go to school and work still. While she was at school, I made a cute little card for her. I haven't given it to her yet so I don't know he reaction, but I'm excited. Once the school day was over, my mom went out for dinner with her teacher friends. Once she was gone, my friend came to the door. I will talk be talking about her a lot because she is my actual best friend. So we will give her a name. Her name will be samantha. Once I came out, samantha and I went to brad's house. We went in his room and played minecraft for a while. It is Friday, and everyone likes to go to the skates of fridays. I personally don't like to because of the crowds and everything. But brad and samantha were gonna go. (Not together, in different groups.) Samantha's boyfriend had planned on picking her up at 7:00 it was 6:55 and she said "Jessie, drop me off at my house. My boyfriend should be here to pick me up soon." And I said "please go by yourself. I want to stay here." She insisted that I go with her, like always, but I don't mind. Just this one time I was really concreted on my game. It took her a while to get me to go with her and when we got to her house, her boyfriend's brother's car wasn't there. She went in, and her mom told her that she missed him and he wouldn't come back for her. I asked samantha's mom if brad could take her, but she said no. She didn't tell us why. Then we went to go to brad's house until they left. They were going to leave later. But then, when we got there, he said "we're about to leave." So me and samantha made our way to my house so we could jump on my trampoline. But when we were walking, I got a ring on my doorbell. I have a ring doorbell, so it showed me on my phone. It was samantha's mom. I talked to her through me phone, and she said "samantha needs to come home." So, I walked samantha home, and I went to my house. I would've never write this anywhere but I have been SOOOO obsessed with writing in here. It is 9:15 pm and my mom is still out. I might edit and tell you her reaction. I don't know.

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