Monday, June 7th

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So today I woke up at 6 am because it was raining and thundering really hard. I decided to go with my mom to drop off my dog at the beauty shop because I was already awake. It was REALLY scary driving there because of all the water in the road. There was a flash flood warning. (Which isn't that big of a deal in Oklahoma.) It wasn't that bad driving home because most of the water was in the other side of the road. I took a shower when we got home. I didn't blow dry my hair because it was too messy. I didn't want to have to work in the mess. I was going to clean my room, but I fell asleep. I slept for SIX HOURS! when I woke up I heard my mom and brother talking about me. Basically how much of a mess I am for sleeping all day. That made me feel really bad. After my mom went to bed I started crying about it, but then I was fine. I forgot to wipe off my makeup though. Then I sent a snap to Ben and I said "oh I forgot I looked like this" and he said "why were you crying?" I told him about it and he made me feel a bit better. The other day I was at Walmart and I said "I'm getting lights for my shower" and he said "why do you need lights for your shower?" And I said "so I can have shower raves" and he said "oh am I invited" and I said "no" (as a joke, I think he understood) and then I said "I also got cheese so" and he said "can you bring the cheese to the shower?" And I said "ofc" I'm not sure if I've talked about this, but tiktok has been glitching. It sends him "hi there :) tell me about your day" like everyday because that's what I put as my auto message. Idk why it's been sending all the time. Anyway that night I posted a tiktok and he commented "hi there :) tell me about your day." And I replied "well obviously I got LEDs for my room" (bc the tiktok was about how I got new leds) and then I said "I also got LEDs for the shower so we can have shower raves" and he said "and shower cheese don't forget" and I said "how could I" it makes me so happy because he makes me feel included idk. Last night I texted arctic and said "we should hang out TMRW" and she said "I probably can't bc I'll be calling Branden all day bc we got in a fight. I'll probably be hanging out with him more but I do wanna hang out in Tuesday" I said "are you sure your not gonna get in another fight before then?" And then quickly edited to say "ok" I was trying to be funny but then I realized she could've read it in a different tone. She said "yeah I'm sure" and I said "wait did you see that first part?" She said "yeah" I didn't say anything. Then she sent me a paragraph and at the end she said "ok I'm going to sleep now goodnight" and so I waited a little bit and then sent my paragraph. I wanted to send it to her when she was asleep. But then she quickly responded and said "your so nice I thought you would be mad" and we just kept texting for a little bit. I can't wait to hang out tomorrow!

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