September 20th 2021

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my isi days are complete!! it was actually really fun and I'm gonna miss it. so Friday morning, my mom was following me around school making sure I got to isi. I was about to go crazy. then half way through the day my friend came in. he was in there for stealing a pencil sharpener. he was in there for and "indefinite amount of time" I was so happy to see him!! on Saturday, we went shopping for a new dressed and I actually found one! on Sunday, we went and picked it up. we haven't set it up yet though. Monday (today) morning, my mom wasn't following me around so I got to talk to Samantha in the bathroom!! then I went to isi and me and my friend sat by each other. the teacher quickly moved us away from each other though. but we still had our way if talking and stuff. at the very end of the day, my other friend, Samantha's step brother, came in. I was soooo happy!!!! but also kinda sad because it was my last day so we would only be in isi together for like 30 minutes. after school, I saw Samantha and she asked my mom if she could take her home. for some reason she said yes. we weren't allowed to hang out after we got back though. that's it!!! I'm so excited to go back to normal school tomorrow!!! and I'm really excited to see Evan. oh yeah and my mom said "you can't ride the bus this week" so I think that means I can next week!!! we'll see though. AHHH I CAN'T WAIT!!!

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