Dec 24 2021

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part 69!!! it's Christmas Eve!! we just got out Christmas tree up the day before yesterday, and there's no presents under it except for the ones I gave my mom. I guess my mom just wasn't really ready for Christmas this year. that's okay! she always buys me stuff and is such a great mom, I don't care! we were supposed to go shopping today, but she left without me because I was hanging out with Samantha. oh yeah, Samantha got a new phone. well technically she got her sister's old phone. so we hung out first, she came over and showed me her new skateboard. they opened a few gifts early, and her mom got her skateboard. she said it doesn't work good like at all but she still likes it. then we walked up to the castle. the castle is this really big building that has a mural painted on it, and there's a hole in the back and you can go in it. technically it's trespassing, but it's fine. then since it was such a great day outside we decided to go swimming. but first she had to go and do some chores. then we changed and went to the creek. by then it had gotten a bit colder and the water was super super cold so we only went up to like our knees and then just hung out at the creek. then Nathan and Cameryn came. we hung out with them and talked to them while they smoked. then we went to my house and looked at my phone and I had mixed a text from her mom saying she needs to come home. I walked her home and went back down to the creek. when I got there, they were packing up and leaving. I said "you're leaving?" then Cameryn said "well we don't have to leave. what you tryna do?" I said "I'm tryna smoke weed." they said I could if I fucked them. I obviously said no and left. then they were like "wait come back! just smoke with us." and I just wasn't in the mood anymore so I left. they followed me home, only because it was on the way to Nathan's house. they were being really annoying, but I eventually came in. that's all that's happened so far. I might write tomorrow or the next day. bye!

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