August 27 2022

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omg I have quite a few things to talk about right now. so this girl, Bree, went to our school in 7th grade, but moved. we still text sometimes. she's been texting me non-stop lately, it's kind of annoying. she still likes this guy that she hasn't talked to since 7th grade. He goes to my school, and she makes me take pictures of him and send them to her. it's so annoying. then she was ranting about him, like she does, and she said he has a girlfriend. I said "oh he does" and she was like yeah, and sent a picture of BROOKLYN!! Brooklyn is one of my friends. I literally love her to death!! she is so much better than Bree, I'm not going to lie. she was trying to bash Brooklyn, but I wasn't saying anything back so she stopped. I texted Brooklyn and asked her if she was dating him. she said yes, is he telling people? then I told her the story, then she asked for a bree's user, so I gave it to her. All of this was actually Thursday night. then Friday morning, I accidentally did a bitmoji on bree's story. I said I didn't mean to do that. then she just said "mhm" she's all pissy because she has to tear another girl down to feel better about herself? and she thinks I'm going to care if she doesn't like me? well I definitely don't, so I blocked her. then in first hour, me and Brooklyn were talking about it, and the guy barely even remembers her. anyway after first hour, we had a pep assembly. I saw my new bae, we just said hi and dapped each other up. unfortunately, that was the only time I saw him all day ☹️. The rest of the school day was boring. after school, I came home, chilled for a little bit, then started getting ready to go to the football game. it was in another town. I got ready, and had my brother take me to Fiona's house. on the way there, we stopped by McDonald's and got me and Fiona food. I bring it over to her house, we ate, and then her parents bring us to the game. I sat and watched football for a little bit, but then I left. Fiona wanted to keep watching, but she said she wouldn't care if I left. so I went and found Tori, Brooklyn, and Ariana. then torian Brooklyn went to go get some seeds, and me and Ariana went to the concession line. then Jordyn came and found us. I got some Powerade, and then I found Maggie in them. they were with Hudson, but it was okay. while I was talking to them... CALEB CAME UP TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! guys you have no clue how happy it makes me to see Caleb. I am just so fulfilled and happy for the rest of my life. I have so much love in my heart for that guy. it's been almost a year since we've seen each other, and I literally almost started crying. there was just a lot of emotions. anyway I was talking to them, and some guy came up with his hand out. I looked over, and it was Caleb! I grabbed his hand, and I hugged him. like a bro hug. I really don't know why, I just was going through a lot lmao. and then I walked with him for a second and we caught up on a few things, and then I went back to Maggie. I was really really trying not to cry in front of them. I'm crying while I type this right now. A little bit later Peyton was on the phone with her mom. when she got off, she said she was going to get caught with her cart. she has it in her underwear drawer, and her mom said she's cleaning her room. A while later, I went back up to Fiona. I told her about Caleb. then she wanted to come walk around with me, so we found Tori, scout, and serynn. We hung out with them for the rest of the game. it was really really fun. but then Fiona said "look there's your boyfriend" I looked over, and it was Camryn. I only saw the back of him, and that was the only time we saw him. thank God. it turns out Brooklyn, Tori, and sarin were all spending the night at serynn's house, which is right by Fiona's house. we all were thinking about sneaking out. we got in the car, and went to a gas station, because we were really thirsty. we also got some candy. then we went back to Fiona's house. when we got there, Fiona made a group chat with all of us. we decided to just make plans, and not do it so last minute. but then the guy from McDonald's was texting me. He wanted to hang out. I was thinking about sneaking out to see him, but Fiona freaked out and called her brother. All of her family was at her aunt's house. then she was freaking out even more because I told the guy that she was calling her brother. I'm just so confused why she was calling him in the first place. she told him "oh Jessie wants to hook up with this guy like blah blah blah" like why would I ever want your brother to know that? and then the guy, Dameon, thought we were both weird, when it was just her. that shit was honestly so annoying. anyway she told me her cousins have weed, so we went over to their house. her mom came and picked us up. we got there, and they wouldn't even let us hit their nic. she tricked me into going there, that shit was also annoying. but then we went to McDonald's at like 1:00 a.m., and we came back at 2:00. me and Fiona didn't get anything, but it was still really fun because we had to ride in the trunk. but at the end Fiona started to get cranky, and it was just annoying. we got back to her cousin's house, and watched a little bit of a movie. we finally went back to her house and went to sleep. when we woke up, we just hung out for a little bit until lunch time, when her dad DoorDashed us Chick-fil-A. then him and her mom went to run some errands. we just hung out and listen to music, and then I left around 2:00. now the McDonald's guy is wanting to hang out. we'll see how that goes. bye!

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