Feb 25

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life has been so great lately. we had Monday off for presidencies day, but we went to school tuesday. I wore the cutest outfit ever! these black flair leggings with an off white skeleton crew neck. it was literally so cute in my butt looked so big! I saw AJ. it's been awhile. I saw him at school the day after our big fight, but that was the last time. he was gone for the rest of the week, and then we had a three-day weekend. he didn't talk to me, but his behavior towards me was kind of odd. or maybe I was just overthinking and I'm the only one who noticed. he always always stares at me. the way he looks is so sad like why are you sad? you're the one who cut ME off. but when we were leaving after waiting for the bus, he was walking RIGHT next to me. our shoulders were touching. he wasn't looking at me, it didn't look like he wanted to talk to me or wanted literally anything other than to walk with our shoulders touching. I don't remember if I looked at him full on or not. when we got out the door, I walked away from him. then he rode our bus. he was probably going to Nathan's house. I didn't look at him the whole time, but Samantha said she caught him staring at me multiple times. the next day, wednesday, we had a snow day. then we had it the next two days. and now it's friday. we're probably going to school on Monday though. life has just been so great! I really have been loving myself and everyone else, too! I feel like my eyes are actually open for the first time, I don't really know why. but I have just been so incredibly happy lately and I'm just so excited about life. I'm going to try to go to Sophia's house on sunday. Hopefully all the ice will be gone by then so that my mom can drive me. I left my mascara there so I'm excited to grab it. I also left my Cornelia necklace, but I'm questioning if I should even wear it anymore. maybe it's a sign that I left it at her house, and that I have been so content with life lately. I don't know but that's all I have for today. bye!

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