September 11 2022

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okay so last weekend was Labor Day weekend. I went to Maggie and Molly's house, and stayed the night Sunday. The next day we went out and got lunch, it was fun. Monday was boring, Tuesday was boring, and then we had another walk out on Wednesday. only like six people came, and then two people left after a while. we were all freshmen. we talked to the newspaper, the news, and some other people. when we went back in, they told us that we had detention. they told us to talk to the vice principal, so you went to our office. after a second, some girl came in and the vice principal had us go to class. A little later, she called me out of my class down to her office. she said she had to do something and it was urgent, and that she was going to talk to us individually. she told me that if I wanted to do detention in the morning, I could just come to her office, instead of the other guys office. The other guy was scary, so I was glad. she also said that I would only have to do 20 minutes, instead of like 40 or something. so the next day, I had my mom drive me to school early so I could do the tension. two of my friends decided to do morning detention as well, so we just talked about our grades and stuff. that night, I went to the 9th grade football game. My mom made me go to the 8th grade one as well, that was right before the 9th grade one. I had my friends come to, so I wouldn't be lonely. I also got to hang out with the 9th grade football players, because they were there just hanging out before their game. I saw Junior, and we hung out for a little bit, but we lost each other after a while. I was really trying to make myself like him, because Dameon is just so rude. I wish I didn't like him as much as I do. He was on the sidelines for most of the game, I was hanging out with my 8th grade friend Caleb, and we were talking in a group. then Dameon came up to our group. I grabbed Caleb and I was like "let's go" and dameon said "so you're just going to walk away now" I just ignored him and told Caleb to come with me. Dameon left as soon as I left. then I left Caleb to go in the bathroom and calm down from that. at the end of the game, I saw Camryn. omfg. the rage that built up in my body when I saw him. He was talking to my friend, Autumn's, dad. He was like walking backwards, and he made eye contact with me for like one second. I looked straight back down at my phone. then I walked in front of them, and let's back at Autumn and pretended to throw up. He was still walking backwards, so you didn't see me. but then I covered my mouth and was shaking my head, and he turned around and kind of saw me. then I went out the gates, and waited for Autumn to catch up with me, so I could talk to her. then Dameon came out. He looked at me, and then he looked at me again. I just saw him out the corner of my eye, I never looked at him. then he turned around and yelled "bye Jessie!" I didn't even think about responding to him. I didn't even look over at him. then Autumn never came, so I went to look for my mom. it took me forever to find her, and me and Camryn were one of the last people. I was so scared I was going to have to ask him for a ride. by the way my Data is so messed up on my phone, it doesn't even work when I'm out of the house. so I couldn't text my mom at all. finally I decided to take a walk and decide what I was going to do. because I knew I was not going to ask Camryn for a ride home. and that's why I found my mom! she took me home. then Dameon texted me. he slid up on my story about the walkout. My story said "ik I was on the news quit telling me" he slid up and said "why" I said "idk" and he said "weird" I just left him on opened. and I got ready for bed, and went to bed. at school the next day, I saw Dameon. I was walking to my class, and he got in the way of the door. I pushed him out of the way and said "move" He said "I'm trying to open the door for you" I said "I can open my own door, quit" and moved his hand, and pushed him again" he said "I was just tryna be nice" I said something like "I don't need that from you" and I went in my class. He sat there looking at me through the door. then I went to the varsity game that night. it was in another town. Autumn was going to take me. My mom was going out, so she had my brother take me to her house. we drove around for like 20 minutes trying to find it. eventually we just came home and I texted her the situation. she said she could pick me up. I was so thankful. they picked me up, and then we got Khloe. The game was pretty fun. nothing too crazy happened. Dameon kept looking at me from the sidelines, but he didn't smile or anything. then we had to take Kaden on our way home. He is so annoying, but it was pretty fun. we stopped that quick trip to. finally I got home, got ready for bed, and went to The next day, Saturday, I went to breakfast with my dad and Anastasia, his girlfriend. then we went to Walmart. then I got home, and took a nap. My mom woke me up and said "Sophia and Jada are in the living room" I was so confused, and half asleep. then they walked into my room and said "do you want to go run errands with us?" I was like "yeah sure" then I got ready. I finally got to tell them all the tea that has been happening. Sophia has been grounded, so I haven't really been able to talk to her. Jada's mom had got her phone stolen, I forgot to bring mine, and Sophia was grounded from hers. so no one really had a phone, because she didn't her mom had to share one. and her mom needed to make a lot of phone calls. we just hung out all day, went to a few different places and stuff. when I was at Walmart with Anastasia, she said she couldn't find her lash glue that she normally uses. she said she normally uses Kiss brand. well we went to Walmart again, and I found what she was looking for. I got that, and when we went back to Jada's house, I walked to my dad's house and gave it to him. oh yeah Jada moved in with her grandparents, who lives in the neighborhood. there's another house in the neighborhood that her mom is trying to move into, but the landlords keep needing to do repairs and stuff. so they're staying with Jada's grandparents for a while. when I went to my dad's house, he had another girl there. I just tried to hand him the glue, but he was like "what's this?" I said "it's for um.." and he was like "oh yeah okay" and then I left. then my mom picked me up after a little while. I came home, got ready for bed, and went to bed. that was yesterday. I literally haven't done anything all day today. there's this guy, kehlan, and he has been trying to hang out with me. He's junior's friend, but I decided I don't like Junior anyway. but my friend, Peityn, likes him. but she really is just trying to like him to get over this other guy. anyway we were able to hang out today. but yeah it's 6:30, and I'm just chilling until I got to do a face mask, and then take a shower. bye!

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