march 28 (again)

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okay so I wrote this morning, but I want to write again because it's 9 pm. in second hour I went to the bathroom and this other boy from my class went. we went to the library and hung out with our friends. it was super fun. in third hour we got to go outside!! that's all the fun stuff about the school part. all day I saw brayden's girlfriend flirting with guys, so I figured they broke up or something. after seventh hour, I asked him if he wanted me to ride the bus. I wasn't going to, because we had tennis practice. he said "yes please. she broke up with me." as we were talking, we saw her walking holding a guy's hand. he waited for me to get into my locker, which made me really sad. I'm not really sure why. but then Samantha came up and we told her I couldn't go. she was sad, but she left. we're supposed to have practice tomorrow, but it's also supposed to rain. after school Samantha came over. she was really hot from tennis, so she wanted to go swim in the creek. we got in our bathing suits and went. we actually swam this time! for the first time this year! it was super, super fun! we didn't go for that long, because it was still really cold. but it was still really fun. then we were walking around in our bathing suits, and saw Camryn. he was playing football for something with Kendell. I felt bad for not talking to Kendell, but I didn't want to in front of camryn. Patrick was there (he's this grown up, but he's special needs) and we talked to him. camryn's hair seemed super long. I didn't really look at him a lot though. he used to have a buzcut. Anyway, then Samantha had to go in, so I did too. this girl who goes to my school texted me. we don't know each other too much, but we kinda do text a bit. we've never talked though in real life. she invited me to go in a limo with her and her friends for the school dance. I think it's a little extra to have a limo for the school dance, but whatever. Samantha has a band thing and can't go, so I think I might just go with them. I don't really know any of them too well, but even if it is awkward it's just for one night. when I get there I'll probably meet up with some of my other friends anyway. I told her I'll see if I can come, I want to ask my friends Fiona and Maggie if I can meet up with them once we get there. that's it for now bye!

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