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Do you know that feeling that you get when you want something really bad. Like really wanted it, you've craved it to the point where you don't think you can manage without it. You spend every minute of every hour every single day wanting it, needing it.

I needed Luke, I needed his touch, his laugh, his blue eyes that I get so lost in. I needed him to hold me because that alone, being in his arms, was enough for me.

"Are you ok? I mean," I lift my head from his chest to look at him. "Are you still mad at me?"

He laughs and brushes my hair away from my face bringing a rush of warmth to my cheeks. "After everything that you just told me, you're worried if I'm ok?"

"Well you were so upset with me.. I don't like it when we fight." I sigh leaning into him again. He's so warm and cuddly.

"Jo, even when I'm mad at you I'm never mad at you." His arms wrap around me pushing me closer to him.

This time it's me who laughs. "That doesn't make sense."

I can feel him shake his head and I know he's smiling.

I don't move from his arms, eventually he lays down keeping us connected. I lay on top of him our fingers laced together while his legs wrap around me.

I listen to his heart beating and I swear its the most beautiful sound. When you think about it, it doesn't seem that special. Its just a small noise that most of the time you can't hear but while I'm here with Luke, just listening to his heart, it sounds like my favorite place.

"How long until you have to go back?" I dread asking but I can't stand not knowing.

"I told the boys I didn't know when I'd be back. I had no idea what I was walking into when I got here."

I feel bad for worrying him so badly, but then again he was the one who assumed I would hurt him that way.

"Hey Luke?"

"Hmm?" He hums.

"Do you want to  play twister?"

Its almost two in the morning but I seriously just want to play twister with Luke right now.

"Twister? Right now?" The confused look on his face makes me giggle.

I nod my head. He raises one of his eyebrows at me. "Okay."

Before I know it I'm bent over, basically in downward facing dog and Luke is sort of tangled up.

"Flick the spinner thingy already!" I can see his arms shaking.

"Left hand green."

I remember as a kid twister was such a simple and fun game. Not much has changed since then except for the fact that I take it way more seriously. This is life or death and I'll be damned if I'm loosing. Something else I've noticed is its a slight bit more awkward.

Considering the fact that Luke and I are inches apart and his face is lined up with my chest. Not that I don't mind but I'm in this to win and poor Luke looks like he's about to pop.

"Who's begging me to spin the spinner thingy now?"

His looks up at me for a minute before taking his lip ring between his teeth. " You have nice boobs ya know."

I laugh. "Um, thanks?"

I don't spin the spinner instead the two of us stay put.

"I'm just saying. I like you're boobs. They're squishy and I like to lay on them." The things this boy says to me never cease to amaze me.

"Right foot red."

I carefully stretch my leg out and sigh with relief. Luke however attempts to move less gracefully then me I might add and falls face down.

"Ha I win! I whooped your ass Hemmings."  I stand up feeling like the champion I am and smile down at him.

"Good job princess. Wanna see what your prize is?" He stands up and smirks devilishly at me.

"Luke...I.." I look away feeling embarrassed.

I don't want to be touched by anyone right now. At least not in that way. All I can think about is the marks on my skin from him. I know with Luke it would be different but I feel... ruined. When Luke leaves love bites I love the feeling of being his. I don't feel like his right now.

"Hey," He tilts my chin up to look at him. "What's wrong?" The way he looks at me, so concerned and loving makes me feel slightly better.

"Look I'll clean this up why don't you go to bed and when I'm finished," He pauses for dramatic affect. "We can cuddle!!"

I laugh at how ridiculously excited he is about cuddling. When secretly I'm just as excited.

"There's that gorgeous smile." His finger still rest under my chin. Our faces dangerously close and for a second I think he's going to kiss me.

Instead he pulls away and starts folding up the mat. Why does our relationship have to be so damn complicated. At one point it was so simple. We laughed and spent our days latched onto each other and now..I don't even know what we are any more.

I change into my pajamas and climb into bed once again finding that one comfortable spot I was in before Luke barged in here.

Luke's P.O.V

I can't believe I drove all the way here thinking the absolute worst. I feel like an idiot for even thinking Jo would do that to me.

I know about Jo's past and I guess that's what scares me. Her life before was partying and hooking up with any one and everyone. Being so far away all the time puts constant pressure on our relationship.

I worry that one day she'll realize that our phone conversations and surprise visits mean nothing when she could have any guy she wants.

She could have someone to spend every minute together. Someone who could give her so much more then I ever could. Someone who isn't dorky and weird, someone who doesn't hurt her the way I did. I fear that one day I won't be the one she loves, no matter how much I love her.

Damn is her love amazing. Jo loves with every inch of her soul. There is no better feeling then knowing she loves me. Knowing that I mean something to her, that maybe, just maybe she loves me just as much as I love her. To have her love even just for a little while is better then to never have it all.

When I walk into the dark room I rid myself of my shirt. Jo could definitely find someone with a better body but I push the thought away. For some unknown reason she stays with me.

I crawl into bed, assuming our usual cuddle position and damn does it feel good to be falling asleep next to her.

I lean over to kiss her forehead and take in her features. Her eyebrows are crinkled, her face tensed something that happens when she's upset. I hold her tighter and close my eyes never wanting to let go, ever.

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