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Three amazing shows, several sleepy nights and one long ass plane ride, but finally my heavy feet step up to the familiar house.

The house where I gained everything and lost it all to a blue eyed boy only to give it all back to him. The place where I learned what a family is, where all of our late nights some more emotional then others took place. This is where my life took place, every single good thing in my life ended up here.

I shove Luke who made himself comfortable on the bed that started out as mine but now is ours. He groans weakly, not even opening his tired eyes as he scoots over leaving me less then two inches of the bed. Typical Luke.

I yawn and slide into bed lifting his arm. I pull it over me giving me just enough room to lay without hanging of the bed. Before my head could hit the pillow I was fast asleep.


I stretch my sore, exhausted very tired body yawning before turning my attention to the large human laying next to me. I laugh silently to myself and get out of bed, using the wall to steady myself. My legs and brain refusing to work before noon is something I've dealt with my whole life.

Michael and Ashton are sitting cross legged on the living room floor smiling at me.

"Good morning." I laugh walking over and joining them.

Michael wipes his mouth with the back of his hand and looks questionably at me. "More like good evening."

I stare at him confused.

"It's 6:30p.m Jo." Ashton points to the window revealing the darkish orange sunset.

"I guess we were all so exhausted we just came home and passed out huh?" I grab a donut and join their choice of dinner.

"Where's sleeping beauty?" Michael asks smugly referring to Luke.

"Sleeping." I casually reply shrugging my tired shoulders. "So now that you guys are back, what happens from here?"

Ashton pushes his hair back and looks at his phone. "I think we have a little bit of downtime before we go any further." He smiles sweetly.

"I love you guys!" I pull the two of them in for a bear hug. Michael and Ashton being much larger then me manage to fall on top of me.

Our laughter erupts along with a lot of shouting. "Ashton help me!" I reach for his hand but realize its busy tickling my sides.

"Michael! Oh my god!" I yell as he humps my leg, laughing hysterically.

I've missed this, these two idiots mean the world to me and random moments like this where my stomach hurts from laughing and inappropriate things are happening is what I live for.

When I open my eyes and wipe away the water that has gathered in them from laughing I see Luke and Erica standing over us with confused looks on their faces.

Erica looks pissed, probably because her boyfriend is humping me. Great. That's one conversation I don't want to have. Luke, well he looks too sleepy to fully comprehend what is happening.

Michael pulls away giggling and Ash helps me. I pull down my shirt that had ridden up and peck Luke's lips, soft and quick, simple like an everyday act.

"Good morning." I smile leaning my elbows on the counter.

"You look like you were having fun." He smiles beautifully, I stare but only for a second.

"Why yes I was.. Is that a crime?" I ask playfully.

He shakes his head.

"I thought so."

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