Killing Time

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People always say that time seems to fly by, that before they know it whatever it was that they were waiting for crept up on them. That's exactly how I felt. I had two weeks with Luke before he would have to leave again and it didn't help that we haven't talked since I promised him I'd stay.

Well, promised is a touchy thing. I never really promised anything. I couldn't stand the way his pained and fear filled eyes looked right through me all the way to my soul or the ache that was present in his beautifully talented voice. With him pleading.... begging.... wanting nothing more than for me to stay I had to say that I would because hurting Luke that way wasn't something I could physically do.

So instead neither of us have discusses it any further. We've spent our numbered days absorbing every possible memory we have together before the memories become the only thing we have of each other.

" Stop!" I yell from underneath Luke, his much larger body squishing mine as his hands run up and down my sides. Sand flying everywhere and many of the people scattered on the beach glancing at us.

Finally, he plops down next to me and laces our hands together. As I catch my breath I notice a few girls from a far watching us. I can tell by the giggling and nervousness that they know very well who Luke is. "Look at those girls." I nudge his side trying to get his attention.

" What?" His voice catches and gets higher as he laughs. " I don't need to look at any other girls when I've got you." He reaches over to tickle me again but I shove him off.

"Not like that you perv," I joke and turn his head in the direction of the girls. "Those are fans. You should go say hi."

" How do you know they're fans?"

"Because I just know okay." I stand up and pull him along with me making  our way over to them with Luke groaning behind me.

"Hi," I say cheekily. Luke might be nervous but I cant help but smile and approach them, these girls love how talented Luke and the boys are and that's something amazing. "Do you guys want to take some pictures?" I ask and watch as their eyeballs grow wider.

"yes!" They answer excitedly. "We love  your music."

" So much!" Another girl adds.

"You're so sweet, did you see their faces? You put those huge smiles there." I peck his cheek as we sit back down in our previous spot in the sand.

"Actually you did." He kisses my cheek mockingly. "You pulled me over there."

"I can't help it," I sigh dramatically and lay flat on my back hoping to get some sun. "I'm just that amazing."

Luke laughs and lays beside me propped up on one arm looking down at me. My eyes are closed but I can feel his eyes as he traces the letters of my tattoo, something he hasn't stopped doing since I got the damn thing.

"Stop staring at my boobs Lucas!" I open my eyes to see his reddish cheeks and small smirk.

"Actually those are mine, and I'll stare at them all damn day thank you..."

I giggle as he leans in and presses his lips to mine. I can't help but laugh into our kiss.

His hand creeps up and squeezes me through my bathing suit top, startling me and making me laugh even more. I pull away from his wet lips, "People are watching." I state simply.

"I know." He says moving down to my neck leaving sloppily trails up and down it. His hand still cupping my breast as he does so.

"Luke..." I moan as quietly as I can manage, throwing my head back to give him more space. "We have to ssstop." I struggle to get the words out by the way he's sucking and nipping at my skin.

He sits up and pulls me lightly with him repositioning me on his lap with my legs wrapped around his waist. "That wasn't nice." I scold him playfully.

"It was fun though." He raises his eyebrows at me in a suggestive way.

I run my fingers through his sandy, damp hair. Tugging at it and absorbing the ocean reflection in his deep blue eyes. "I love you."

He flashes me a wide smile, showing that even though we've said those words to each other a thousand times he never gets tired of hearing them. "I love you, beautiful."


"Luke, do you remember when we had our first movie night?" I ask turning over in our bed to face him.

"Of course. Ya know I think that one might be my favorite movie night ever." I giggle at the way he says ever. His thick accent making it sound like evaaa. "What brought this up?"

I shrug my shoulders under the covers and let a yawn escape me. "I was just thinking about when we first met, back when we had no idea that there would ever be an 'us.'"

"I knew there would be an us." He tells me cockily.

"Oh? I'm sure you did." I tease.

"I knew my chances were high."

"I fell in love with you Luke." I say feeling the knots in my stomach tighten.

He kisses the top of my head from where it tests on his bare chest. "I'm in love with you Jo."

"I'll always love you, you know that right? You will always be the only one for me. The only one I want and forever my favorite place. Promise me that you know that." I fight back a tear waiting for his response.

"Babe, where is all of this coming from? Are you sure you're okay?" He rubs my back the concern showing in his tone.

"I- I...I just love you. So much that I am fucking crying right now like some hormonal teenager." I sit up wiping my eyes and sniffling. " See what you made me do." I push him attempting to lighten the mood.

He catches my wrist and pulls me back down to him holding me tightly into him. I tangle my legs with his caving into his hold. Closing my eyes as he fills my lungs, the perfect way to end our night.

"Are you positive that you're gonna be okay? I won't leave if you don't want me to." Erica asks me for the thousandth time.

"Go spend time with your family. I'll be fine. I'll have the house all to myself." I put on my best smile. "Michael is leaving you too you know." I point out. It seems like everyone is just waiting around expecting me to stop breathing as soon as Luke leaves. Have I really become that girl?

"Yes he is, but I'm not going to be alone. I'll be around people and doing things to take my mind off of it. I don't want you to die of loneliness." She shoves me and gives me a questioning look.

"You're family is waiting for you." I tell her earning an annoyed eye roll from her.

The truth is with Erica being gone for the weekend it will make everything a small bit easier. When Luke leaves that's when everything begins. The loneliness will creep in no matter who is with me.

This was short as shit but its all leading up to something(: Anyways ily and vote/Comment if you want babes(:

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