Our Life

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I woke up somewhere around 1:30 in the afternoon, I stayed in place just taking in my surroundings. Luke was next to me, his arms wrapped loosely around my waist while his head rested on my shoulder. On the other side Calum was clinging to my arm desperate to cuddle anything he could get his hands on, I watched as his eyelids vividly moved and I wondered what he was dreaming. Finally I noticed Ash. He was exactly the same as he was last night, his head slightly propped up on my leg. I couldn't admire his face because he was turned away from me. It wasn't much but he was there, just enough to let me know he would be there if I needed him.

I watched as Cal's eyes opened and he nervously looked around the room. When he realized I was awake he let go of my arm mumbling something. "Did you sleep okay?" I asked.

His hair was not it's usual smoothed down and groomed style, he had bed head and it looked more adorable then when he styled it. "I did. I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable I just-"

"Cal look around." We both looked at the position I was in. "This was like a mini sleepover and everyone was cuddling. You didn't make me uncomfortable I promise."

Ashton and Luke began to stir as Calum and I shared a heated conversation about the Ninja Turtles.

The three of them left me to work on some songs and practice. I loved how they had all found something that made them happy and I actually got more me time. I love them to death but honestly I'm a girl and every girl needs some alone time.

Luke's POV:

When I woke up Jo and Calum were laughing. My arms still wrapped around her waist from our previous sleeping position. She threw her head back as she laughed causing her tangled brown hair to fall off of her shoulders.

Here was this amazing girl laughing with one of my mates, as if the two of them had none each other their whole lives. I couldn't contain my smile knowing that she was doing this for me, she accepted my friends for who they were just because she loved me. Jo is the kind of person who doesn't let people in but she was trying. She was slowly letting me in and believe me when I say slowly.

When Ashton woke we decided to test a few things out with our newest band member. I wanted to give everything to this band all in the hopes maybe some people would like what we were doing. This was the only thing I'd ever dreamed of and maybe just maybe dreams do come true.

Jo's POV:

The guys had been practicing for a few hours and I occasionally listened in on them. They sounded amazing. There were a few quirks but I knew they would work them out. That's when it hit me. I grabbed my phone from my bedside table and tiptoed down the hall. I stayed out of their view but close enough I could film them.

This was perfect they had no nerves and no reason to hold back. It was raw talent and a genius idea.

I sat cross legged on my bed replaying the video over and over trying to decided what to do.

1. I could upload it and people love them.

2. I could upload it and people hate them.

3. I could stop being a nosy girlfriend and stay out of it, but honestly I knew that wasn't going to happen.

My finger dangled dangerously over the button. I bit my lip, over analyzing the situation. Fuck it. I clicked upload and left my phone in my bed as I joined the boys.

I lounged lazily on the sofa next to Michael. When it came to being lazy he was my partner in crime. We could both just lay there doing absolutely nothing and then talk about how amazingly fun it was.

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