Moving On

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"What?" She laughs genuinely. The kind of laugh that proves that she would never think I would do that to her. Hell I didn't think I'd ever do that. "But how? That's not even pos- Okay, what?" She rambles on clearly confused and becoming more afraid of what is finally process sing in her tiny head.

"I slept with him, with Michael the night before I left and now I'm gone and you need to accept that I dint want to be found. I'm not coming back...I can't- I have put everyone through enough so just," I let out a breath. "Stop."

I waited for her to say something. To yell or ask me questions. Except it was silent and in that silence I decided not to feel so badly because Michael kissed me back. He wanted it just as much as I did so this wasn't entirely my fault.

"Goodbye." I mumbled before hanging up. I didn't expect any more calls from her.

After laying back down and trying to fall back asleep unsuccessfully I might add I got up and gathered my things. Staying here was beginning to feel slightly dangerous because even though it was my hideout Luke could easily show up looking for me and seeing his face would kill me.

I was thankful for the space my Aunt and Uncle were giving me. They didn't hound me with questions. I knew that they knew something was going on and I appreciated them knowing from afar. They were there if I needed them.

"I brought the usual indulgence!" I chimed using my foot to shove the front door closed. My hands held the greasy but delicious bags of food I had for my uncle and myself.

Throughout my aunts pregnancy she's been on a strict 'healthy foods only diet' needless to say its been hell on the rest of us. So occasionally I sneak out for a burger run and treat the two of us.

"You're a life savor kid." He smiles and practically yanks the bag from my hands.

I don't waste any time digging into my very unhealthy food. Groaning at the first bite. "Thers is sooo gerd." I attempt to say while my mouth is full. He laughs and wipes his face."Where is she by the way?" I ask wiping some sauce from my own mouth.

"She napping upstairs I think everything just hit her all at once today and she's exhausted."

I pick up our trash and stuff it in the garbage under other trash so it's less noticeable. "Are you getting excited? To be a dad again?" I hated using the word again. Nothing is worse than being reminded of what you once were until tragedy ripped it away.

"Of course, nervous but the good kind." His lips curve into a genuine smile but I can see the sadness in his eyes.

"I miss her too." I say softly and lean in wrapping my arms around his waist and resting my head on his chest.

"Loss does things to people Jo, it tears them up from inside." I let go if him and let my arms fall awkwardly at my sides waiting for him to go on. "Its awful and I can see the same look in your eyes that I see everyday when I look in the mirror."

"I'm fine, I'll be fine." I lie.

"But you're not. I'm just saying whatever happened, is it really worth the loss?"

I cross my arms across my chest, " My loss is someone else's gain." And with that I turn and go up the creaking staircase to my room that isn't even my room. I lay there unable to sleep. Unable to turn my thoughts off.


I check my phone to see its nearly four in the morning. Surprised that I managed to fall asleep even if it was just for two hours I rub my eyes debating if a cup of coffee is worth leaving the warmth of my bed.

The shuffling I hear downstairs ignites my curiosity. Wrapping my blanket around my body I tiredly make my way down the stairs in the dark. The kitchen light is on and at first I it's another one of my aunts pregnancy cravings but when I make my way into the kitchen its empty.I squint making out what looks like two faint shadows and sure enough its them. My aunt is sitting on the edge of the sofa and my uncle knelt in front of her holding her hands.

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