Heartache Always Hits Hard Pt.2

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It felt like I slept forever when really it was only 9 in the morning. I decided to spend a good 30 minutes just laying in bed. Before I know it my mom is at my door.

"Knock,knock. Breakfast is ready we would love to have a meal as a family. Like we used to."

"I'll be down in a minute." I say groggily.

I pulled on a pair of grey sweats and headed down stairs. As sit down at the table I take in my surroundings. Dad is sitting at the table reading the paper and mom is pouring some green liquid into two cups. I'm a bit confused when she sets one in front of me with an eager smile on her face.

"What's this?" I ask.

"Breakfast. I figured we could help you drop a few pounds."

My body tensed and I didn't know what to say.

"You know what mom this was a family breakfast just like old times except now you're a bigger bitch!"

I ran straight up the stairs slamming the door behind me and clicking the lock tightly.

What a great way to welcome me home! This was exactly why I left, life here just wasn't what I needed or wanted. Immediately regretting  my decision to leave Australia I pick up my phone to call my family there.

When I see a good morning beautiful text from Ashton and a hey sexy lady from Mikey a smile spreads across my face. I dial Ashtons number hoping to hear his voice.

"We were just thinking about you!" Michael and Ashton yell.

"I miss you!" My voice cracks  and they instantly know something is wrong.

"Jo we miss you too, why so sad love?"

"I should've never left! You guys are all I need and there's nothing here that's good for me, I want to come home. To my real home." Tears streaming down my face I wait for a response.

"Why was leaving here such a mistake?" Ashton asked in the most calm voice.

"Because there's always something wrong with me, I'll never be good enough and every one here loves to point that out."

"Just tell me who and I'll kick some ass!" I laugh at Mikeys remark.

"See now you've got him all wound up Jo. I promise things are going to be ok. Why don't you see if Layla wants to make plans?" Ashton always knows what to say

"I love you guys you know that right?"

"Of course," they shout and then they both whisper in sync "You're perfect Jo" That's all I'm left with as they hang up ending our conversation.

Remembering what Ashton said about my cousin I decided to give her a call, I have missed her alot . Dialing her number I'm filled with excitement when I hear her voice. "Hello babe I've missed you!"

"Well since you've missed me so much let's do something!" I replied seeming a little too eager. 

"I'll pick you up in 20 minutes for mall day yeah?" After my wonderful breakfast I couldn't wait to leave.

"Hey let's meet up at the skate park I don't want to be at my house right now."

With a quick goodbye I started to get ready. Picking out my favorite pair of skinny jeans and a Nirvana T-shirt I moved on to my makeup. Maybe it was my mothers comments but I felt the need to make an extra effort today.

I went with a grey Smokey eye with some red lips. Leaving me hair down in its natural wavy curls I  grabbed by black converse and matching hoodie. Darting down the stairs,hoping not to get caught but tragically failing I assured my parents I would be with Layla for the day. Without hesitation I got the hell out of there.

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