No Longer Strangers

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Realizing it was 8 p.m when we woke up from our nap we decided to have a Netflix Marathon. Complete with snacks and hopefully some cuddles because I really like that shit.

"I'm gonna run to the store for our snacks any requests?"

"Ummm. Just get what looks good. Hey before you go I don't have any pajamas this dress is kinda uncomfortable....could I borrow some clothes?"

"Oh, well ummmm I guess, they are down the hall to your right."

I quickly thanked him before he headed for the store. I couldn't help but wonder why Luke got so weird about me borrowing his clothes. Was I to forward, I mean I just assumed it would be ok. He said he liked cuddling with me but maybe borrowing clothes was a step to far.

I walked into Luke's room. He had a huge king sized bed with black silky sheets and a matching black comforter. Maybe it was my lack of sleep but his bed looked more than comfortable. I made my way to the dresser and found myself a grey T-shirt and black sweats. Even Luke's clothes smelled amazing. Realizing I haven't showered since before the party with Layla I decided to take one.

I stood in the shower just letting the water trickle down my body, I wanted to stay in here forever but I tell myself just 5 more minutes. Finally dragging myself out of the shower I change into his clothes and brush my hair.

Luke walks in with at least ten bags filled with snacks." Did you go a little overboard there?" I joked.

"Hey you said to get what looks good so I just did what you asked." 

"Well since we are talking about what looks good, I was wondering since there's an Xbox in your room could we watch our movies in there. Your bed just looks so comfy!"

"I'm not gonna say no to a girl who wants to get in my bed." There was something behind his smirk that made me feel...giddy.

"Then what are we waiting for!!" I grab Luke's hand and run down the hall totally taking him by surprise.

I open the door, before I run and jump on the most comfortable bed ever. I sit there and stare at him with puppy dog eyes as I pat the spot next to me. He stares at me amused before he finally sits down. While he gets everything set up for our movie night I move to the head of the bed slipping under the covers. Once everything is set up he crawls in next to me.

We end up laying there side by side awkwardly watching the Purge. This isn't how our movie night was supposed to be. My body aches for his warmth and his cuddles.

Finally there is a scary part in the movie and I take this opportunity to practically jump into his arms. Luke wraps his arms around me pressing me close to his body assuring me he wanted this as much ad I did. "Are you scared?" He said with a giggle.   "Not anymore." I sigh leaning into him.

We ended up watching a few more movies before either of us became tired. "I'm starting to fall asleep Luke."

"Me too I'll just turn it off okay?"

"Mhm." We snuggled up together adjusting our body close to each other. Laying face to face we studied each others facial features.

He was flawless, he had the most sparkly blue eyes I'd ever seen. He looked perfect the way his lip curled into his genuine smile, poking his lip ring out. He seemed so happy.

"So you like having girls in your bed huh?"

"I like having sleep overs with you."

His response totally took me by surprise.

"Well next time I'll remember to bring my own clothes since you don't like to share."

"When did I say I didn't like sharing?"

"When I asked you got all weird and awkward on me. It seemed like you had a problem with it."

" Ugh, I didn't have any problem with it. Its just....We'll the thought of you wearing my clothes turned me on. Like a lot! I didn't want to seem like a creep who's only trying to get in your pants. I want you to know I'm here for you, to take care of you, be a friend and help you through this because I care about you." Luke looked so adorable and for once I felt like I wasn't alone.

"Thanks Luke that means a lot to me!" I paused briefly. "Soo next time don't bring my own clothes?" I wasn't sure how to respond to something that wonderful. No body has ever said anything like that to me or cared that much about me.

"Definitely don't." With our amazing conversation coming to an end we both drifted off holding each others hands.

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