Sleep Over

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I sat in Luke's room talking and laughing, yes actually laughing instead of crying. Everyone was hanging out before the guys had to go on stage. Luke's legs were wrapped around me as I leaned back against his chest. 

Ashton was yelling at Calum to stop swearing while Michael threw pieces of banana at him.

"Are you going to come to the show tonight? I can get you really good seats, I happen to know the band." I laughed at how lame his joke was but it was also kinda cute. I missed the playful side of Luke.

"That was probably one of the lamest jokes ever." I giggled looking up at him.

He tilted my chin up and placed his lips on mine. "Oh, yeah?" He briefly kissed me again.

"Yeah." I turned around sitting cross legged in front of him giving us more room to make out.

I bit his lip pulling on it slowly. Luke wasn't a very lippy guy but he made up for it with his skill. Not in the mood for playing he pushed his lips on mine hard. His lip ring hurt but with Luke's tongue begging for entrance it didn't matter.

He placed his hands on my hips pulling me closer. My lungs were screaming at me to breath but our mouths were busy having fun..

"Knock it off!" Michael started throwing banana at us and I pulled away from Luke's swollen mouth giggling.

"Shut the fuck up, I've seen you and Erica do way worse." I raised my brow at him, he knows exactly what I'm talking about.

"Fuck off. Luke we need to get ready."

"But I was kinda..busy." Luke grinned at me earning a scoff from Michael.

"Shut up Luke."

The four of them left to do some sound checking leaving me with some time alone to think. I needed to call Erica so many things have happened since this short little trip. She's going to be pissed at me for not telling her sooner.

"Heyy!" It was nice to hear my best friend, as crazy as she is we both can't go more then two days without talking to each other.

"Hi! What's up bitch?"

"I missed you too," She giggled. "I just got back from my parents house. It's weird I'm the only one here there's no one running around naked."

"I know they're all here." I laughed expecting her to join me but instead..

"What? You're with them?" She didn't seem mad just confused.

"Yeah, funny story." I explained everything from Niall leaving to making out with Luke five minutes ago. There were no secrets or boundaries with us, we tell each other literally everything. "I don't know what to do, I want to be with Luke more then anything but am I just setting myself up to be torn down?"

"First of all Luke needs to get his shit together. I know his dream is finally coming true and that is fucking awesome but you're worth fighting for too." Every time I talk to her it brings me back to reality. I can't stay in this bubble were I go to Luke's shows and then we have amazing sex...

"I know, that's the thing he was begging for me to stay and talk things out. He was fighting for me Erica." I sighed still not knowing what to do.

"Question is will he keep fighting for you?"

"Do you think he will?" I wasn't afraid of showing how vulnerable I was to Erica. I had no idea where Luke and I were going and that scared the shit out of me, I needed to know if someone, anyone believed in us.

"I've told you before Luke loves you. I've never seen someone love like he does. Give him one more chance and see where it goes."

"You're right, one more chance can't hurt. Not everything is perfect on the first try. Thanks Erica."

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