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Savior: A person who saves and protects someone or something.

Lover: Someone who loves another especially one who is evolved in romantic or sexual relations. Someone who is devoted to another.

Luke was both of those things, along with many others. He saved me more times than I can count. Some of those times he was the one who damaged me but I was damaged long before he came along. I know without a shadow of doubt that he loves me, lover yes he is an amazing lover but he's also someone to love.

My list of things Luke is to me goes on and on and it plays in my head over and over as I lay here questioning if I will be able to live happily with only tastes of him. Its clear to me now that with his dream taking off that this will be our life. He will have to be away and the moments with him will be sweet, too sweet to ever want to let him go again.

"Luke?" I listen for his footsteps padding down the hall until his tall shadow becomes clear right on front of me. "Can we talk?" I ask warily.

"Of course." He joins me on the bed dipping it down, his lanky legs stretched out over the edge while mine are tucked to my chest.

"You have to leave again," I start unsure of exactly how I should start this.

"I knew this was coming." He says casually. He has no worry at all as he lays out his plan to me. "I will come home every chance I can and when it gets too hard you can come along like before. It won't be easy but we know what we're doing now and how much we can take, we can get through it."

His words echo on my head, 'too hard' and 'how much we can take.'

"Do you hear yourself?" He looks at me surprised. "We shouldn't have to 'get through' our relationship."

He furrows his brows and shift reaching for my hand. "That's not how I meant it." He says calmly and assuring.

"I know how hard it is, for us. For me. I don't want little doses of you and the ache when you're not here. I want you, how many times do I have to say it?" I sigh frustrated.

"You already have me. Its not easy for me to leave you and constantly worry because I'm not here when you need me. I can't make sure you feel loved, I need you in order to get through this. I can't live alone and I don't want to." He pleads, I can see the nervousness creeping in his eyes.

"Luke, I just-"

"Don't." He stops me. My eyes fill with water as I watch his fill with fear. "Don't say it, don't do this to me. You can't go, you can't end us. I will do whatever I have to just.... don't."

I blink allowing the water to drip down my face and brush the taste of salt along my lips. "Don't give up your dream for me," I say weakly trying my best to seem stern.

Luke is my dream and I know how painful it is to loose it, to loose your dream. I won't let him give it up for me.

"I don't need my dream if I have you, I can play pubs with the boys and be here with you... Just please don't leave?"

I stare at him my eyes studying every beautiful feature that pulled me in from the start. Every inch reminding me of a kiss we shared or drop of sweat that ran down when we had our most intimate moments. The things I thought I'd have forever but are now just memories I will cherish forever.

"Okay," I wipe my eyes. "I'll stay."

He places his dry lips on mine the taste of salt dancing on my tongue while his hands hold my face. My fingers run through his soft hair and wrap around his neck, pulling him closer longing to be as close as physically possible.


When I open my eyes Luke is literally clinging to me like a koala. His arms hug my torso where his head rests bobbing up and down with my breaths. His leg is thrown over mine resting perfectly tangled and so I decided to let him stay attached to me and soak in this time with him.

I clear my head and focus on the sound of his soft breaths. Even though I can't quite see his face I know that his eyes are closed and fluttering, dreaming of something. Even in his sleep his dreams take him over. Its beautiful, to see him and how happy he is dreaming. He's full of something I never believed in....Hope. He's full of it and it has shown me how amazing life really can be. He showed me the good when I was drowning in a sea of bad.

A/N: This is so short what even..... I had this chapter finished but i didn't like the way it turned out so I started over completely.... Which is why I haven't updated in forever:( don't hate me

Butttt I have big things coming for this story (: Sooooo stay beautiful(: 

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