Making It

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The rest of the day went by slowly. I planted myself comfortably on the sofa with a bag of chips and started to scroll through Instagram. This was something I missed doing, I never really had alone time to do nothing like every other teenage girl. The boys tended to want to go on adventures and do random shit all the time usually dragging me along with them.

Having a lazy day was nice but I knew I'd be missing their craziness in no time. That's when I noticed how quiet the house was. Instead of letting the loneliness get to me this quickly I opened my music tab and stared at the screen.

At the top of my playlist two stand out. The first is titled Princess<3 which was full of cute love songs, meaning Luke must've picked them out.

We <3 you..Bitch;) This was classic Michael and Ash. Ash was sweet  while Michael was more comically sweet.

I smiled at my phone due to their sweet gestures when Erica walked in. "Have you heard from any of the boys yet?"

I shook my head as we both stuffed handfuls of chips in our mouths.

"I'm sure they are probably busy." I softly smiled trying to ease our nerves. I don't know if I can even call them nerves, more like balls of emotions.

We watched a few episodes of some boring TV show, I don't think either of us know what to do really.

"What to you want to do today?" I casually ask.

Erica slightly laughs before answering. "Today is practically over. Its already 6."

I grab my phone as the screen lights up, assuring me that its nearly 6:15p.m. The day really is pretty much over. That explains why I feel so tired if only I could silence all the thoughts running through my head to sleep. "I'm gonna go to bed. Goodnight." I smile before walking to bedroom.

It actually feels nice to have the whole bed to myself. I spread myself out and rest my head on his pillow. The slight possibility of me falling to sleep vanishes when his smell fills my lungs. His side of the bed smells just like him, well more like hairspray and his musky aftershave. I smile at the memory of him explaining that the musky scent makes him feel more manly. I miss him, and suddenly the bed feels empty and cold.

I don't give myself time to debate what I should do. I lightly tap on Erica's door. "Come in." She whispers as her voice cracks.

"I can't sleep." I shyly say.

Erica pats the spot next to her and I lay next to her looking at the ceiling. We both continue to lay next to each other consumed by our thoughts. "I know what we need." I smile while pulling out my phone from my sweatpants pocket along with my head phones.

I hand her one of the ear buds and click on Mikey and Ashton's playlist. The massive grin on her face proves that for once I had a good idea. It only takes a few songs before both of us are drifting off to sleep.

Omfg I haven't updated in forever wtf! This is short and kinda suckey but I really wanted to update. The next one will be better and hopefully you enjoy it:) Vote and Comment if you want:) I would love you forever..... I love you all anyways cause you're sexy beasts:)

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