Time Well Spent

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What even? That is the first thing that popped into my head this morning. I kept replaying everything he said last night over in my head. I was laying next to this completely wonderful guy who I didn't even know a few months ago. This guy who just told me how much he loved me!

Love was something I've never had, I mean I know how much Ashton and Michael love me but that's in a completely different way. They showed me what it feels like to have an actual family but not love.

I've been with a fair share of guys but all of them never loved me they were all assholes. I don't think I ever went on dates with any of them just sex and occasionally we would get wasted together at parties. Back then I had very low self esteem, I didn't think anyone would want me because I was just me. I've never been one of those girls who take perfect selfies with over 100 likes. I tried so hard to fit in and look like those girls. So when a guy did come along and tell me I looked hot I didn't know how to take it.

I would be with a guy until he got what he wanted. I never bothered to pay attention to them when they said I was beautiful because it was never real and I knew that. Every guy was the same until Luke.

He made me feel beautiful, I didn't need to try to be anybody or do anything to make him stay with me. When he compliments me I get butterflies and when we are apart it nearly kills me. I was a mess when I met him, my whole world was falling apart and for some reason he stuck around to get to know me. He was there for me when no one else was, he saved me. I was drowning in loss and sadness and he was the breath of air I desperately needed to survive. I was falling in love with him then and I didn't even realize.

I needed to freak out to someone I needed Erica. I slowly climbed out of bed being extra careful not to wake Luke. I changed into shorts and a black tank top, grabbing my sweater I rushed out of our room towards Erica and Michael's room.

"Get up bitch!" I grabbed her hand pulling her out of bed.

"Fuck you! I wanna sleep."

"No Erica I need to talk to you...Like right now!" I couldn't contain my excitement any more I needed my best friend and she was being annoyingly difficult.

"Go talk to your boyfriend or Ashton, let me sleep." I pulled her back up and had to fight back the urge to slap her.

"I can't talk to my boyfriend about this, I can't talk to a guy about this now get your ass up so we can go have coffee and freak the fuck out!"

She sighed as I left her to get changed.

The whole car ride to Starbucks I filled her in on Luke's confession of love for me, cheesy I know but it's about time something cheesy happened in my life.

"So...are you in love with him too?"

"Of course! I'm so in love with him it fucking hurts."

We both took our place in line, letting the smell of coffee beans fill around us. "I had to ask." We both laughed before ordering our coffee.

I continued to over excitedly gush about how much I loved Luke while we were walking to the small table in the corner. That's when I managed to knock someone's coffee right out of their hand.

"I'm so sorry!" I blushed as I saw the blue eyed, blonde haired, coffee stained boy in front of me.

"Don't apologize, I should have known better than to walk behind a girl while she freaking out." His laugh filled the coffee shop, it was so contagious that soon all three of us were laughing together.

"Yeah sorry about that." I giggled at how ridiculous I must've looked. "At least let me buy you a knew coffee?"

He smiled. "Its the least you can do." Who was this kid and how was he so funny?

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