Love Bites

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I stayed in my bed, my knees held closely to my chest as I took in what just happened. Luke and I had shared many conversations about his dreams of touring the world and sharing his passion for music. I loved watching the way his eyes sparkled and the smile that always appeared when he thought about it.

Which is why I was completely and erratically happy for him, at first. We had never talked about what would happen if he did leave to chase his dreams. I wanted him to go there was no other choice, Luke and everyone else worked too hard and deserved this. They were going and my mind was made up. I just wish I could explain that to my heart.

My mind continued to race. Thinking like a total girl I attempted to absorb the many thoughts rushing through my brain. There were so many question and unexplained scenarios but in that moment I was mentally exhausted. I wanted to find the complete peace that sleep could offer me. I slid into the covers that were chilling at first, laying my head on the plush pillow I waited to drift into a state where everything was perfect and nothing seemed to matter.

The sound of distant clattering only added to the pounding headache I woke up with. I grumpily made my way into the kitchen feeling the cold floor under my feet. I planted my bum on the bar stool, playing with the cup which sat on the counter in front of me. "Good morning." Erica smiled while stirring some kind of mixture in a large bowl.

I laughed at how clueless she was, obviously Michael had not informed her of the bands plans because if she did know she would understand why this was not a very good morning for us. "What are you making?"

"I wanted to make chocolate chip pancakes for the guys."

I watched Erica flip pancakes and talk about how delicious they smelled. I felt bad for not being more interested about how her secret was adding vanilla into the mix creating the perfect tasting pancakes, but I was busy debating if I should tell her what was going on. It wasn't really my place to tell her and I didn't want to be a blabber mouth. "Oh and I got whipped cream to go with them." She smiled cheerfully.

I couldn't take any more cheery smiles and perfect pancakes. "Luke called me last night." I began.

"Jo if you're gonna like described how you two had amazing phone sex or something-" The two of us nearly fell over laughing.

Catching my breath I continued. "He told me that things went great and that...."

"He told you what?" She asked carelessly.

"He told me that they are going on a promo tour." I watched as her eyes lit up having the same first reaction I did, waiting until they lost that sparkle. I went on to explain and Erica sat next to me with a plate full of pancakes. Neither of us wanted to talk about the millions of thought and emotions taking over us. "That explains why you look like shit this morning."

I laughed at her bluntness I didn't take offense simply because that's just the kind of friendship we had. Instead I walked across the kitchen, grabbing two forks and the can of cream. "What are you doing?" She asked staring at me while I smirked holding the items in my hands.

"We are going to eat your perfect pancakes and fill our mouths with whipped cream while blasting some music."


"Because our boyfriends are rock stars now," I paused. "And because that's what we do."

I have to admit Erica did make some bomb ass pancakes. I don't know why but stuffing our faces just made things feel better.

The boys arrived around 2 that afternoon and no one really addressed what was to come in the next few hours. We all planned a movie night and ordered pizza.

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