Halfway There

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I force myself to get out of bed and let the hot coffee wake the rest of me up. I can already see how difficult it's going to be without the boys but I need to get out and do something.

Recently I've been debating on applying for a job at the movie store where Ash works...worked? He never said if he quit or took vacation days so I really have no clue what happened.

Taking the last bite of my cream cheese bagel I decide that what I will do. What does one wear to apply at a video store? Something casual right? I don't want to seem like I'm not serious though. I let my thoughts take over while trying to decided what to wear. Ash usually dresses casual, so jeans and a T-shirt it is. My lack of sleep has made my appearance seem much worse so I'm generous with my makeup and decide to straighten my hair and allow it to cover the many marks Luke left me with.

Taking one last nervous look in the mirror I leave the house with hopeful intentions.

I pull into the small parking lot and venture towards the door. Not very many people are here and I'm glad that I can have some privacy. I look at the large-ish selection of movies to occupy myself until the line at the counter goes down. I browse through some romantic comedies and pick out a few for Erica and I to watch this weekend.

I walk to the counter and set my movies down. "Did you find everything ok?" The cheeky looking man smiles as he scans the disks.

"Yea...I did." The words come out more awkward then I intended but he didn't seem to mind.

"Will that be all then?" He ask while collecting my change from the register.

"Actually I would like to apply for a job....Here, I would like to apply for a job here." I correct myself.

He chuckles for a moment before speaking. "No need to be nervous, What's your name?"

"Jo." I've never been a fan of introducing people with my full name because everyone always calls me Jo. What's the point in wasting breath to inform them of the rest.

"Well Jo I think I could use some help around here. When are you available"

If this is how normal job interviews go I don't know why everyone gets so nervous. "I...Um...I can start whenever and I don't have any preference on hours." I smile trying to hide my eagerness.

"That's great can you come in tomorrow around noon?" His fingers tap along the counter top as he waits for my answer.

"That sound great. Thank you Mr..?"

"Mark. Just Mark, I might be old but I'm not that old." I giggle at his need to feel younger.

"I will see you at noon Mark." I smile before leaving with my movies.

When I pull up to the only home I've ever known I grab the movies and large take out bags and find my way to the kitchen. To my surprise Erica is actually doing laundry, something I didn't know she could do.

"How did it go today?" Erica smiles. I can see in her smile she assumes I was rejected. Well rejected on top of sadly missing my boyfriend and best friends.

"I start tomorrow at noon." My words come out more snarky then I intended.

Erica looks shocked at first but she quickly covers it up with excitement. I go on telling her about Mark and how easy it seemed. Maybe this is one of those things that are to good to be true..... Maybe Luke is that way as well.

I try to shake those thoughts out of my head while we eat and watch our movies. I only hope I can get some sleep tonight noon will be here before I know it.

I still feel like shit for not updating! I've been in fan girl mode lately and haven't had much time to do anything else.

Most of the chapters right now are fillers but they are leading up to something big and I hope you guys like it:) Vote/Comment I would love you forever jk I love you anyway:)

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