Awkward Situations

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There really was no better feeling than waking up next to someone you love. Ashton looked so adorable when he was sleeping. I couldn't help but giggle which caused him to wake up.

"Why are you staring at me you creep?" He started to laugh which made me laugh.

"Awww your just so adowaaable I could pinch those cheeks!" I grabbed his cheeks which led to a huge tickle fight in my bed. After finally calming ourselves down Ash went to get food and I took a shower.  After washing up and getting dressed I went to see what Michael was doing.

His room was dark, the black curtains shut tight. Michael was still asleep in bed and all I wanted to do was annoy the piss out of him. What better way to do that than jumping on his bed. I hadn't had this much fun in months! I continued jumping up and down on his bed occasionally landing on his legs which would cause him to yell.

Mikey was on the verge of giving up when Ash came in with a bag full food. He joined me on Michael's bed while we both jumped up and down yelling ' Its a chocolate milk party ' over and over until Mikey gave up on sleeping.

We sat on his bed and ate our Burgers and fries. This was just like old times and I couldn't help but miss Luke. I checked my phone since I was the first to finish my food. I'm such a pig I know. I had a few texts from Luke.


'I miss my girlfriend! Come cuddle me???'

' I miss you babe:('

I had to text him back or he would eventually show up and I didn't want an awkward situation with Mikey and Ash.

' Good morning:) I missed you too!! We should hang out tonight maybe sleepover at your place?;) '

'Would love too but my parents are here. Why don't I come over there;) '

This was it. He wants to come over and I want him to too, I wanted to be able to hangout with all three of them but I've never really dated anyone while I've been I'm Australia. All my boyfriends were in London and they weren't ever really serious. I love Ashton and Michael they mean so much to me and if they don't approve of Luke its really going to complicate things.

I couldn't deal with this right now so I decided to spy on Ash and Mikey. Maybe they had plans tonight.

"So what are you guys doing tonight? Any big plans?"

They looked at each other and then back at me. Something was going on.   "Okay spill it."

"Well we planned a welcome home party tonight." They spoke at the same time.

"You what? When were you going to tell me when people started showing up what the hell you guys who's coming?"

"Hey chill out. Only people that you know so don't freak out, it will be fun we got lots of alcohol so trust me it will be a good time." Ashton smiled at me.

"Okay well I'm going to bring a friend....What time is this party?"

"Starts at 7:00 but we have a pre-party planned for just us." Michael informed me.

I decided it would be a good idea to clean up for this party since we are all mega slobs when it comes to cleaning. The kitchen was the worst obviously because all we ever do is eat. I loaded the dishwasher and swept the floor. The kitchen was done and I needed a break already.

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