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As soon as I saw him walk out on stage every emotion came flooding back. The crowd became louder and people were doing anything they could to get closer, which I though was ironic . The boys love everyone who supports them but at the end of the day this will just be another two hundred faces in the crowd. People who were just like me, nothing more then a piece along their journey.

Luke and I had a good run together but we crossed the finish line and I was left out of breath.

I grabbed onto Niall's shirt pulling him closer so he could hear. "Luke...That's Luke up there!" I had to practically shout for him to hear me.

"Do you want to leave?"

"I feel like I should stay, aside from Luke that's my family up there..." I wanted to support them but having to watch Luke happily live his dream, looking extremely attractive while doing so was torture.

"You know what, I'll meet up with them later. Do you wanna get out of here?" If Niall wouldn't come with me I would have to face being alone, once again but I was determined to get as far away from him as possible.

"Sure." Thank god Niall was one of those people who just went the flow. He never seemed to care what we were doing or where we were, he had fun no matter what. I think I love that about him...

I pushed through the crowd holding Niall's hand tightly. The last thing I wanted to do was be separated in a crowd full of wasted teenagers.

The sand felt cool against my feet as we walked along the beach. Niall's hand was still laced with mine and I was glad he hadn't let go. I could still hear the music and the crowd was growing quieter. 

I planted my bum in the sand next to Niall."So that was Luke huh?" Niall looked at the stars as he spoke. Something about how adorable he looked made me feel better.

"Yeah he's beautiful isn't he?" My cheeks turned red as soon as the words left my mouth. Why the hell did I say that out loud....to another guy. Of course Niall wouldn't think Luke was beautiful.

"He's a totally hottie." Niall's face was dead serious as he looked at me. I burst into laughter, covering my face and giggling like a little kid.

"Urm..Yeah, he is." He also ruined my life. The voice inside my head reminded me.

"Look, I know you're not looking for a boyfriend and I completely understand that...I just need to know, are you just using me to help yourself get over him?" His voice sounded exactly the same but I could see he was afraid of what I would say.

Why would Niall even think that? I loved having Niall around and yes he did seem to be the one who always picks up what's left of my crumpled, shattered, and damaged pieces but I would never do that to him. 

"No. I am so happy to have you in my life Niall, I'm sorry if I lead you on but I'm not even stable enough to take care of myself right now..." This is the part were I lose Niall too, when he realizes how fucked up I am on top of the fact that I just friend zoned him.

"Okay. I just wanted to make sure no one else gets hurt that's all." We both looked at each other, not romantically we were just  really happy to still have each other.

"I'm not trying to be your boyfriend, I'll just be your Niall." The moon shined off his face and he smiled so genuinely. Niall made me feel better, no matter what catastrophe was playing out in my life he made it better.


Our hug was cut short due to the short red headed lady shouting at us. "You two! You stole my drinks!"

I looked at Niall who was laughing so hard his face was wet from tears. I glanced back at the women who was sprinting toward us.

"Niall get up." I grabbed his arm pulling him along while laughing.

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