Always have a home

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I slip into the dark room, one that I'm not too familiar with. Luke and I had the choice between sleeping in Layla's old room or the guest bedroom. I know I made the right choice in decided the guest bedroom.

I flick on the cold light switch, Luke shoves past me groaning loudly. I  watch as he plops his large body face first on the bed.

"Oh my god," He mumbles into the sheets. "Jo you've gotta try this." He rolls around like a five year old which of course makes me giggle. Sometimes I forget how adorably dorky my boyfriend is.

He wasn't lying when he said the bed felt amazing. Its been forever since either of us hasn't been shoved into such a small space waking up sweaty with aches and pain. A bed is definitely a nice change.

However, the two of us manage to gravitate to the middle of the bed and find ourselves inches from each others face. I giggle to myself staring at his lips that pull into a sleepy smile.

"I lub you." He says, closing his heavy eyes.

" I love this bed!" I moan loudly, laughing as his eyes flutter open and he pouts his lips pretending to be hurt. " But not as much as you." I boop his nose and peck his lips before closing my eyes as well.

I stand in the rain, my umbrella in one hand and the other wrapped around my uncle. " Behave." He smiles jokingly as I pull away.

" I'll try." I laugh. I looked to my aunt who is fighting back tears.

" Take care of her." I look to my uncle who is shaking Luke's hand. He nods and flashes a small smile.

I wrap my arm around my aunt , pulling her tight as she does the same. I nuzzle my face in her neck and she squeezes me tightly, " I know you believe that whatever you have over there with them is more of a home to you then here and rightfully so, but you will always have a home here."

 I pull back smiling at her, the two of us both letting  a few tears slip over the brims of our eyes. I sigh heavily hating the feeling that comes along with any goodbye . " Thank you." I reply not sure what to say. " I'll remember that." A give her another loving smile. She wipes my cheeks and nods.

" Ready?" Luke rubs my back and hooks his hand around my waist. After pulling myself together I  flash him the best smile I can manage.

I slide into the car where Ashton is patiently and cheekily waiting.   "Did you have a nice time?" He asks.

Luke laughs, I  look at him before answering his question.  The way his sleepy eyes so effortlessly sparkle along with his simple smile that always makes my day. He made this trip happen I didn't want it to but now I'm glad it did. He takes every bad thing in my life and makes it better.

" Surprisingly, yes we did." I take Luke's hand in mine catching him off guard, I love how he's always surprised by little actions like this.

As soon as we got back on the bus Luke was rushed straight into work. Although he doesn't see it as work. I love being with him and getting to see how much he glows doing what he loves but I don't know how much longer I can take of being thrown into road life.

Another incredible show that the boys killed, another session of writing songs and they are turning out amazingly and of course I get to snuggle up next to the most handsome, perfect man and somehow that makes everything worth it.

Luke's P.O.V

I couldn't believe that it took an insult from her dad for me to realize that somehow I got so caught up in our passionate love and fighting just to call her mine, that I hadn't even known her birthday.

With this new found information I was determined to make this birthday a special one because judging by what I saw her other birthdays were probably pretty shitty. The one thing I couldn't figure out was how?

Okay so this was short and a bit of a filler chapter but I wanted t ask.... Suggestions for Luke's special birthday surprise for Jo?


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