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Starbucks coffee on my doorstep every morning, late night phone calls with Luke and endless cliche chick flicks with Erica. That has been my life for the past two weeks.

Niall insists on placing my favorite flavor of coffee on my porch every morning until I forgive him. On the weekends when I'm not avoiding creepy Sam at work I literally stay in the same pajamas and watch sappy love stories with Erica and we always end up calling Luke and Michael to 'talk'.

We say we just miss them and want to 'talk' but in girl language that really means we are extra emotional and want our life to be like The Notebook. Two tubs of ice cream later one of us ends up crawling into each others bed because we can't take the emptiness. Cliche I know but sometimes you need you're best friend to just be there for you.

When I woke up Sam had texted me telling me not to come in so I have all day to do whatever I want. Which will probably be eat pizza and sleep since Erica has plans with her mom.

I turn on the TV and curl up on the couch lazily. There's a soft knock on the door which I expect to be Niall arriving right on time with his apology coffee. Choosing to ignore it I surf the channels already feeling bored out of my mind. A few minutes pass and another knock echoes through the quiet house.

I wrap the blanket around me and walk to the door. To my surprise Liz is standing there with muffins and my coffee from Niall. "Someone left you coffee love." I manage an awkward smile and wave for her to come in.

"Liz, hi. I didn't know you were coming over." I plop back on the sofa and she sits down gracefully.

"I was just missing the boys and though I'd bring you some breakfast." Her smile is so bright and motherly. I feel giddy that she wanted to stop by. Liz is one of the nicest people I've ever met and she is already looking out for me. Maybe one day, I'll be lucky enough to be her daughter in law but for now I'll settle for her friend.

"Thank you that's very sweet." I take a bite of the chocolate muffin and wipe the crumbs off my face.

"So what have you got planned today sweetie?" The fact that she calls me sweetie so casually is kind of amazing. I've never had a mother figure and Liz is like the best example of a perfect mom.

"I was planning on curling up and dying if boredom today and then fitting in a five hour long nap." Its nice that I can be my sarcastic self around her. Liz and I are just comfortable with each other.

She laughs and shakes her head. "Why don't we go to the salon? We could have that girls day."

I think about it for a minute and honestly it sound fun. "Yes! We should," I jump up from the couch smiling. "Just let me get dressed first."


With our feet soaking and greenish clay on our faces Liz and I relaxed our day away.

"So you and Luke are pretty serious?" Her question didn't make me nervous at all I was just curious as to why she was bringing it up.

"Yeah, we are very invested in each other." I smiled and she seemed to light up.

"You make him so happy Jo, I knew long before he told me about you that he had found someone amazing." She reached over and squeezed my hand lightly careful not to mess up her freshly painted nails. We both smiled and laughed as our face masks began to crack.

"Well I'm glad I have you both."

Lexi came over and dried our feet off to polish them. Liz chatted on about how much she misses having someone to take care of around the house. I browse through a magazine while Lexi paints my toes a pretty teal color.

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