How Welcome Home Should Feel

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After a sleepless night of tossing and turning I gave up on trying to get some shut eye. I looked at the clock on my phone 4:00 a.m great.

Rolling over I took in how beautiful Luke was when he was sleeping. He was so peaceful, his face relaxed letting all of his features effortlessly fall into place. His forehead uncrinkled and relaxed, his perfect blue eyes shut softly while a few pieces of his unquiffed hair fell next to them.

Moving down I noticed his lips so kissable that it took every ounce of strength in me not to kiss them. Somewhere in all of his beauty I lost track of time because my alarm went off at 5:30 and it brought back to reality.

Groggily getting out of bed I went straight to Luke's shower. Taking my time due to how exhausted I was, I dried off and wrapped the towel around myself heading for the bedroom to get my clothes. I walked over to my bag bending over to grab my neon green tank top and grey sweats. Turning around I noticed Luke laying on his side with the biggest smile on his face.  "You should were towels more often, especially if you're going to bend over like that."

"Get up we have a busy day...We are going home today!"

I got dressed and thought about what I said. We are going home! To my real home where the people who matter most to me are. Brushing my hair I thought to myself, Luke is becoming one of those people. The ones who matter most to me. I'm not good at letting people in but I think maybe I've already let him in, either way I'm happy he's coming back to Sydney with me. If it wasn't for him I wouldn't be going back to Sydney.

Taking my time to gather up my things and take one last walk down the hall I found Luke standing by the door, luggage in his hands. "Ready?" He asked. A huge smile spread cross my face.

"Yes!"    We made our way to the airport with one hour to spare. Which wasn't much time considering the wait for baggage check and security. Once everything was taken care of we grabbed some coffee and waited at our gate.

We ended up sitting across from an old couple. Luke slumped down lazily in his chair with his head tipped back. Probably because he's not a very good morning person. I sat with my legs crossed nervously tapping them up and down. I was extremely nervous and I hoped no one noticed. I was wrong because somehow Luke knew, he grabbed my hand and smiled at me. We smiled at each other for awhile as our fingers intertwined.

A few moments passed and Luke offered to through away our cups. The old lady sitting across from whose husband had also left leaned in to talk to me.  "You two make a wonderful couple, its nice to see two people so perfect for each other!"

I had no clue what to say. I was happy that she thought Luke and I were cute and meant to be but I had no idea what we even were.  "Well thank you but we aren't together. We are just friends." I awkwardly informed her.

"Oh I'm sorry I just assumed because of the hand holding and the way you two looked at each other that you were a couple." She paused for a moment.  "You will be trust me I know what true love looks like and I think you've found it. Or its found you."

Just as she finished her sentence her husband and Luke came walking over together. I tried to shake the weird look off my face but luckily enough we began to board the plane so I was forced to not over think what just happened.

Taking my seat on the plane I got a rush of excitement! I was going to see my boys again and I couldn't be happier. Today was going to be a really good one and after everything that has happened I'm ready for a good day. Bringing myself back to reality I looked over to find Luke already passed out leaning against the window.

Seeing how comfortable he looked I scooted next to him laying my head on his shoulder, closing my eyes with happy thoughts and a smile on my face.

You know when you are having a really great dream and then you wake up. That feeling were you just want to try to go back to sleep and pick up were you left off. That's the feeling I got when the fully clothed Luke who was sitting next to me woke me up from the very naked Luke who I was dreaming amazing things about. Our plane had landed in Sydney. We actually slept the entire plane ride, and that seemed a little impossible to me.

Collecting our luggage Luke and I headed for the parking garage were he assured me his car would be there waiting for us. Which it was, everything was going smoothly and according to plan. As we loaded everything up I took my place in the passenger seat when I remembered what that lady said. That weird look I had, yeah that came back and Luke noticed this time...   "What's that look for?"

I let out a small giggle, " You know that old couple who was sitting across from us at the airport?" 

He nodded.

"Well the lady kinda told me that we make a good couple and that we are each others true love..." Luke got the weirdest look and just when I thought I had ruined our friendship or whatever relationship it was we had he said,  "That's crazy because the old man said the same thing to me when I threw away our coffees."

We both looked at each other and burst out in laughter! The ride to Ashton's house was about one hour away from the airport and it was already 1 in the morning. I wasn't sure about Luke but I was wide awake after our nap. So I turned up the radio and we ended up arguing the whole way about song lyrics. It felt nice that we still acted the same even after the old couple thing.

He pulled up to Ash's house and I thanked him for driving me and getting me back here. He assured me it was no problem and we made plans to meet up tomorrow before he sped off.

I grabbed my keys from my bag and unlocked the door. The house was dark and impossible to see anything but I knew my way just fine. I walked through the kitchen, heading for the hallway that lead to my room. With the flick of the light switch my room lit up and it was the best feeling in the world! I placed my suitcases on the ground and turned off the light. The next thing I did was run down the hall towards Ashton's room. My heart was beating so fast it felt like it could burst.

I stopped at his door taking in what was about to happen, I was about to see my Ash and I couldn't wait any longer. I busted through the door and jumped on his bed, which startled him a lot. "Ashton I've missed you so much!"

"I've missed you more than Ashton has!"  I was surprised at the sound of Michael's voice.

"Mikey? I've missed you too more than you know! Why are you in here where's Ashton?"

"He switched rooms awhile after you left he said he wanted to be closer to your  room."    For awhile neither of us said anything. I couldn't believe how sweet that was he wanted to be closer to my room.

"Just go see him already and let me go to sleep!"

"Oh Michael I'm home, you are not going to get to be lazy anymore!" I threw a pillow at him as I left his room.

Taking in how sweet Ashton is and how much he missed me I walked to his new room which was directly across from mine. I opened the door slowly and quietly. He was laying on his bed with his back turned towards me. I tip toed over and climbed under the covers next to him, sliding my hands around his waist. He immediately turned to face me moving his body away leaving me cold and uncuddled.

"Hey it's just me, don't freak out." Realizing who I was he embraced me. There was nothing I missed more than his hugs.

"You're finally home! I've missed you." Ashton whispered.         

He let go off me and I motioned for him to lay down. We snuggled under the covers facing each other and honestly I could stare at his perfect face for hours. It felt so great to be back home and with him and Mikey! They were everything I needed and as long as I had them I knew I'd be ok.

"Jo you must be exhausted let's get some rest."

I nodded before scooting over to him. I placed my head on his chest and he let his gently lay next to mine. I melted into him as he wrapped his huge arms around me holding me tightly. This felt so right. There's no better of safer place than in Ashton's arms. His body warmed mine like the sun as we both fell asleep listening to each others heartbeats.

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