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I sat on my bed staring at my phone. I don't want to go to some stupid party with lame ass guys just because Sam invited me. I don't even like Sam. So why was this party still on my damn mind?

Erica had passed out a few hours ago and I really just wanted to do something fun. I was tired of doing the same thing everyday, I want to dance to loud music and laugh because I find everything funny when I'm wasted. The only thing stopping me is I don't trust the people who will be there, if I'm not thinking clearly around them who knows what could happen.

As I continue to stare at my phone it lights up. I open the text from Sam and stare at it some more.

Sam: Its parrrttaayyyy tiiimmeee

Jo: Have fun

Sam: u know u wanna

Jo: I don't so..

Sam: I'll make you glad you came!

Jo: -_-

Jo: Did you just...

Sam: quote The Wanted? Yes, yes I did

Jo: We can never speak again

Sam: :(

Sam: I'm soz I won't ever quote a band again...

Sam: Just come to the party plzzzz

Instead of replying to Sam I found myself a bottle of wine, which I'm not sure why we even have wine in this house because none of us drink this shit. Not bothering to use a glass I took a few swallows. With each sip I could feel the sadness creep up.

I'm not an emotional person when I drink but I was already missing Luke when I started. Fuck, I was missing everyone. All of the guys mean so much to me it kills me being so far away for so long. I'm not gonna lie part of me missed Niall too. We didn't have very many memories together but I do miss him.

Luke and I usually face time around this time most nights but here I was sitting on my bed, my hair a tangled mess, drinking some cheap ass bottle of wine feeling sorry for myself. Maybe it was the small buzz I had but I picked up my phone and let my fingers type away.

Jo: I'll be there in twenty(;

I grab my favorite jeans and leave Luke's shirt on. I pull my hair into a high pony tail but take it down when I realize my neck is stained blue. Drawing a small line along my eyes I'm ready to go. I grab the invitation and hop into my car.

I drive past Niall's house and notice a car parked by the curb. His lights are on and I find myself wondering who he's with.

I pull up to a small house, there's quite a few cars scattered around but I park mine not far from the house. I don't bother to knock on the door, I've been to party after party and no one ever hears a knock at the door.

The house looks even smaller on the inside. The living room was packed full with random people, people who looked closer to Sam's age.. Most of them looked stoned out of their minds already.

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