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My alarm clock went off twenty minutes ago and I continue to lay in bed. I really don't want to go back to work. This mini vacation that has turned out to be quite disastrous only makes me want to sleep more.

Rolling out of bed I stretch my limbs and groan dramatically. My hair is an absolute tangled mess and I smell like fish mixed with death.

I attempt to freshen myself up with deodorant and cheap perfume that smells like daisy. Pulling my hair into a hopeless bun I get dressed and grab some coffee. Thank god Erica keeps fresh coffee in the pot, between the two of us you'd think we have an addiction.

I yell a quick goodbye knowing she is probably sleeping, before I leave.

After clocking in I join Sam on the empty stool behind the counter. If I wasn't so tired I would probably be interrogating him but instead I sip my coffee awkwardly.

" Long time no see." He spun on his chair and smiled very cheerfully. Cheerful people make me uncomfortable..

"Yeah, you could say that." I attempt to smile but stop when I remember I didn't brush my teeth before I left.

"Okay I'm gonna stop with the bullshit. You look really shitty, you're vacation wasn't kind to you was it?" I almost slapped him for saying I look like shit but I know its true and I work with him so..

"No, it wasn't. Having to come to work didn't help at all so I'm sorry if I'm not easy on your eyes today." I pursed my lips together growing more pissed off by the second.

"I didn't mean..I just," He sighed between stutters. His brown eyes looking at the floor. " Trust me Jo you're very easy on the eyes." He smirked and his tone creeped me out. The way he looked at me made me want to call Luke. Not because he was my...whatever he is to me but because Luke made me feel safe and between Ashton's warning and his creeping I didn't feel very safe.

"Thanks?" Without giving him a chance to say anything else I got up and started straightening some DVDs.

I was definitely curious about him and why all of a sudden his inner creep was showing. "My friend Ashton used to work here. Did you two get along?"

His face changed at the mention of Ash. He seemed really pissed off. "Yeah, I knew him. We had our differences."

I tried to read him but he just went cold, he spoke in monotone and tensed on his stool. Just watching me creepily.

"Really, what about." He stayed silent which irritated me. "I'm just asking because Ashton usually gets along with everyone. He's pretty laid back." I raised my eyebrow glancing at him.

"He was causing some problems with my family. That's why he got fired." I could here the smirk in his voice. Apparently he doesn't known how close Ash and I are because him getting fired isn't funny to me.

"Oh, family?" Since when did personal issues get people fired?

"My uncle owns the store. That little prick wasn't keeping his mouth shout so he got rid of him. Blood is thicker then water right?" I really didn't want to be here anymore. Sam was confusing and freaking me out.

"Yeah, I guess so." I shrugged as a group of teenagers came in.

I knew a few of them and we chatted casually as I checked them out. I wanted them to stay and hang out just so I could avoid Sam but sadly they took their movies and left.

Three long hours later I was on my way home. It was so pointless for me to come in for four hours of work. Tomorrow I will talk to Sam's uncle about my schedule and hopefully get some shifts alone.

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