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"I'm not pregnant." I state letting my burning eyes meet theirs. " And even if I was I would know not to come here. Hell I didn't even want to come at all but I did it it for him." I point at Luke who has by now realized what is going on.

"Because I love him and if coming here and meeting you will make him happy I will do it however many times I have to. That's what love is, making sacrifices and doing shit you don't want to for the sake of your love. Something you two know nothing about." I spit.

I look at the door and back at them. My father sits emotionless as if nothing has happened while mother, well she looks disgusted. Probably because of my bad manners and how unattractive my 'scene' just was. I huff and storm off into the kitchen.

I hear the footsteps following behind me and fully expect it to be  Luke. All to my surprise the sound of clicking grows closer and my mother steps in front of me.

"You think you know all about love huh?" Her red lips part slightly as her green eyes look starlight at mine.

"Let me tell you something, when I was your age I fell in love. Everything was magical and life was sparkly but things change you can't stay young forever."

I watch her confused. My mother and I never have conversations like this especially about her past.

"You think you're going to be different don't you? Like you are special enough that everything will be different for you and this boy, you and I we aren't that different-"

" We," I motion between us. "are nothing alike." I stop her growing more furious each second. " I am nothing like you. I will never be."

She sighs rubbing her forehead slightly. " You act like I'm some kind of monster Jo."

I stand still with my hands dangling at my sides in disbelief.  "Maybe you're not a monster but you were to me, your my monster. You are the reason I can't let him love me!" I raise my voice at her.

" You have beaten it into me that I will never be good enough for him, for you, for anyone. You are the reason I can't even love my self. But Luke, he does. He loves everything that you taught me to hate. He loves me." I continue you to yell feeling the familiar wetness on my cheeks.

" It is your fault that I couldn't't let him in. I couldn't love him because I was too afraid, too insecure and sure that we would fall apart. That we would break and it would be my fault. I would ruin him or he would find someone better and I almost lost him because of that and that, that is on you. I will not let you take that from me." I wipe my face roughly and take a deep breath.

" You and I are nothing alike." I whisper on my breath.

"We have a system." She laughs dryly.

"What?" I shake my head at her, pulling myself together again.

" He sleeps with his assistant and I get to go to Paris or a new pair of shoes or whatever the hell it is I want. Its our system." She replies.

"He's cheating on you?" I yell.

" That's what our love turned into. The sparkle part, that dies and this is what it becomes." She turns her back to me and begins to leave.

" You don't know what love is." I say coldly. " I know you think I came along and killed your love but you are just...  just pathetic letting him have someone else and then sleep next to you. That is not love." I push past her and grab Luke's hand pulling him out the door not even bothering to look at my dad.

Luke's P.O.V

I don't hesitate as she pulls me outside if I'm being honest I was ready to get the hell out of there as well. Neither of us talk as we walk quickly down the street her hand still gripping mine tightly.

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