Stay With Me

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I woke up to a shirtless Luke laying beside me, his arm snaked around my waist. Today was different I woke up with an endless smile on my face instead of bags under my eyes.

Luke looked so sweet while he slept. Considering what we did last night he somehow managed to look so perfectly innocent. I loved the way his unquiffed hair fell just above his eyes and the way his lips parted slightly as he slept. These were all the little features I missed waking up to. These are the small things that made me fall for him.

Running my hand along his cheek, I began to trace his jawline. I gasped as he reached up and grabbed my wrist, pulling me on top of him. My gasp soon turned to giggles that were quieted by Luke's lips. Soft morning kisses were my weakness, there was so much love between them, they felt magical.

After changing into some sweats and Luke's T-shirt we joined Calum  in the living room. He stood up from the small couch to give me a hug. I really have missed Calum, he is the only one who understands what I've gone through, simply because he's been through it too. I placed a quick kiss to his cheek before he sat back down next to Luke.

I looked down at the two of them, sticking out my lip. Between Luke and Cal there was no room for me on the small couch. "Aw, Jo you can sit on my lap." Calum smirked patting himself.

Before I could look at Luke he was pulling me onto his lap, wrapping his arms tightly around me. "I don't think so." He whispered into my ear sending chills down my spine. He laced our fingers together causing me to smile at how perfectly they fit.

Having a lazy morning with Calum and Luke was perfect, just being here with them was all I needed. " It feels so good to be home! I can't believe we are gonna be L-" Calum stopped mid sentence and I swear I saw Luke shaking his head.

"Living here forever." Calum smiled a nervous smile, that was my que to take a shower.

I took advantage of Luke's loosened grip and stood up. "Where are you going." There was worry in his voice that made me giggle.

"Just to take a shower."

"I'll come with." He smirked and Calum rolled his eyes. I gave Luke a small smirk before walking to the bathroom.

I locked the bathroom door behind me and turned the hot water on. I would love for Luke to join me but after that awkward conversation I need a minute alone. I step into the shower wincing as the hot water runs down my body. I hear the twisting of the door nob and giggle to myself. Luke mumbles a few curse words before his footsteps fade out.

When I'm finished, I make my way across the hall to my bedroom to get dressed. I figured Luke would be stuffing his face and playing FIFA not sprawled across our bed napping.

I grabbed my favorite work clothes and started to get dressed. Sam has asked me earlier this week if I could work his shift and in return I could have all of next week off. I wanted nothing more then to curl up next to Luke and snuggle the day away, but having an entire week would be worth it.

Just as I pulled up my jeans I felt his arms wrap around my waist, pulling onto the bed with him. He left wet kisses on my neck causing me to moan, what he was doing to me was very enjoyable. It was exactly what I wanted but I couldn't. "Luke, we can't."

"Oh I think we can..." His lips wandered down my stomach stopping just above my pants.

I had do something now before I lost the little bit of self control I had around Luke. " I have to get ready for work." I pushed him off of me and pulled my shirt on.

"Can't you just call in? We don't have to do what we just were, we can do anything you want." Those sparkly blue eyes were even more intoxicating as he spoke.

"I want to I really do but I told Sam I'd swap with him so I could have all week with you." Even his frown looked beautiful, I want to kiss it away. We've been away from each other for so long I hate to be the one ruining our togetherness.

"Please just stay with me?" It seemed like such a simple question, Luke asking me to spend today with him and blow off work but the way he said it made it much more intense. It seemed as though he pleading for me, there was desperation with a hint of lust in his tone.

"I'll always stay with you," I kissed his lips softly. "You are my favorite place."

Work was fairly busy, the usual few customers renting the newest movies. Not as fun as hanging out with Luke but it's money in my pocket. I cleaned the counter out of pure boredom and before I knew it was closing time.

When I reached my car I was surprised to see him leaning against it. "What are you doing." I laughed as I walked towards him.

"I wanted to surprise you duh!" He threw his hands in the air dramatically making me laugh even harder.

Looking around I noticed his car wasn't here. "So you're telling me you walked halfway into town just for me?"

He shook his head. "I didn't walk I had Luke drop me off."

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