New Hellos

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I thought that my head would be over flowing with thoughts the whole way to the venue but surprisingly I was able to turn it off. Part of me at first thought we should turn the car around but the other part of me, the stupid part of me believed that it would be a good thing.

Despite the excitement I was nervous as hell, Tyson made it easier for me but I still had no idea how this would play out. What if he has a girlfriend? She's probably beautiful, fuck she's probably stunning. What if he doesn't want to see me? None of them probably want to see me... "You okay?" Tyson asks wrapping his arm around my waist while we stand in line. It was comforting and my arms felt like they were going to fall off. I should've brought my flannel.

"Just thinking.." I look up at him and give him a half smile. "What if they don't want to see me? What if they hate me? I mean I've thought about it before but actually knowing just might kill me Tyson."

A few girls in front of us turn and glare clearly overhearing our conversation, "From what you've told me they love you. Luke, he might hate you. You did break his heart."

"Thanks that makes me feel so much better asshole." The line starts moving and I sigh when we step inside instantly feeling the warmth hit my cold limbs. This is it no going back now.

The fact that I was regaining feeling to my body from standing in the cold was a good thing but I was becoming more and more nervous, I didn't want to feel anything.

Luckily we were able to get seats fairly close to the stage and I hoped that maybe Luke would notice who I am.

"I'm so excited!" Tyson leaned in and yelled in my ear.

"Me too." I lied. I was excited but I couldn't shake the feeling that this was going to be disastrous and then the lights dimmed shaking any thoughts I had left in my head.

The room erupted with screams and everyone huddled as closely as they could to get to the stage. I looked at Tyson who was already dancing badly and smiling like a kid at a candy store. Which I couldn't blame him, the way I talked about Luke would make anyone want to meet him. I myself had thought about how much Tyson and Luke would get along. But that could never happen because Tyson was my life after Luke.

My heart fluttered when I saw the shadows of the boys I once knew. One by one they came into view looking better than ever and Luke, he seemed over the moon. He was always happy on stage, it showed how much he loved it. Seeing this assured me I made the right choice that day. All I wanted for him was to be able to enjoy everything that was being thrown his way and he is clearly doing just that. All of them are...

"They're amazing live!" Ty yelled. I just smiled and danced along with the crowd. Part of me didn't want Luke to see me I didn't want to risk upsetting him when he's done so well. I came and saw what I needed to.

With every song I could tell how they've changed not just musically but as a band. They performed so much better than they did four years ago, they were perfect.

I was enjoying the show and actually laughing I missed their humor and even now it still got to me. Luke looked down at his guitar and announced that it would be their last song, that's when Michael saw me. At first he looked as if he saw a ghost which in a way I was but then his beautiful, big smile shined straight at me.

"This one goes out to someone special." His voice boomed in his mic and he winked at me everyone else here clueless as to what was happening the boys included.

"Ooh someone special? Do tell Michael." Luke teased. Oblivious that I was the 'someone special'. Which I figured was better for everyone.

"Shut up Luke." Michael shiny eyes stayed locked with mine for the rest of the show. He looked flustered but in cool and collected way, a way only he could pull off.

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