Make Or Break

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"Come with me." His words keep playing over and over in my head.

Its not that I'm nervous or upset. The words just won't come out of my mouth, hell I don't have any words. Speechless, yeah that's what this is called.

"Jo," I move my eyes from where they were previously focusing on my bedroom floor and look at him. "Say something.."

"I... Um," Any word would be good right now but instead nothing. I just stand there with my hands dangling at my sides mumbling.

"Okay, I'll talk." He surprises me by taking the lead. Usually he's the quiet shy one.

"I know this is a surprise and you probably have like a million things running through your head right now." I watch his mouth as he talks. Trying to connect what's coming out of his lips to my brain.

"But think about it. Being here without me isn't what you want and its killing me being away." His accent makes those words sound so simple. Like its the easiest thing in the world.

"What about everything here? The house?"

He cuts me off. "Erica is here she can look after everything here. I'm sure Niall wouldn't mind helping out."

"I can't just leave, I mean I have a job." Actually I hate my job but it pays the bills.

"You weren't actually going to go back there? Where you?" His tone changes. He crinkles his nose as confusion washes over him.

"Well yeah."

"Are you serious?" He raises his voice. "After what happened at that party you're gonna go back there. Are you just going to keep fueling his fire?"

"What are you talking about? Its my job. Sam works there what am I supposed to do." I throw my hands up and huff.

"Oh my God you liked it!" He scoffs. "How could I have been so stupid. That's why no matter what anyone says to you about him you always go back.." He's shouting now, his face red with anger.

"Luke! I didn't enjoy any part of that. Every time I look in the mirror and see the bruises he left on me it kills me. Do you honestly believe I would be interested in him?"

"You're really convincing babe." He glares up at me.

I walk over to the bed where he's sitting, his head in his hands. I kneel down and pull his hands away. "Why would I want him when I have you." I smile looking straight into his blue eyes.

"You are the reason I'm still here, still breathing. Luke you saved me you're the one who sat on the bathroom floor with me on the most impossible day of my life. You put me back together that day and you've been here for every laugh, every cuddle, everything in between."

Having his attention I continue pouring my heart out to him.

"I fell in love with you do you know that? I couldn't love anyone else even if if I wanted to because I fell in love with you're eyes and the way they crinkle when you laugh. That damn laugh, I could listen to it all day it's the cutest thing I've ever heard."

I hadn't realized I was crying until I felt the tears sliding off my face onto my arm. I'd be damned if I was going to let my tears stop me from showing him that its only him that I want.

" I love how shy and quiet you are compared to everyone else or when you get nervous you play with your lip ring and do this adorable thing with your feet. Luke my list goes on and on but my point is. I am in love with you there is no one else who will make me feel the way you do! I will never love anyone else. I don't want anyone else."

Just A GameTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon