Once More

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Buzzing, that's all I've heard all morning. Luke's phone would not stop buzzing I have no idea how he was sleeping threw it but I couldn't stand it any longer. I have never been a morning person neither has Luke. I love sleeping in especially on my day off and the fact that he is here with me makes it more enjoyable. Except right now. It was his damn phone that woke me up.

I huffed as I got out of bed, I wanted to rip the covers off of him but unfortunately Luke has to sleep with one leg out of the blanket and I know I wouldn't be able to pull them out from under him.

I was hoping to fall back asleep on the sofa but surprisingly all the boys were awake and chatting in the kitchen. All of them had serious  expressions and it was pissing me off, everything was pissing me off because I should be sleeping right now.

"Good morning!" Calum and Michael shouted at me as I joined them.

"It's not a very good one." I sat down next to Ashton and placed my head on the counter.

"So Luke talked to you?"

This morning was becoming more annoying by the second. "No, what does," I couldn't even finish my sentence without yawning. "He need to talk to me about?"

"Uh...He...Mentioned something about..."

Michael took over since Ashton suddenly couldn't form a damn sentence, he must be tired too. "We are going out tonight!"

I groaned, it was too early for me to be interacting with people. I'm 16 I don't even enjoy interacting with people when I'm in a good mood. Right as I was about to bang my head on the counter Luke joined us with his phone in hand and a nervous look on his face.

"Good morning babe." His sleepy voice was sexy as hell but I was still pissed at him.

"I wouldn't talk to her just yet mate."

"Why's that?" Luke kissed my cheek and whispered, "Is it that time of the month?"

"Oh my god! What the hell? No, its not. Thank you very much but it was your damn phone that kept going off. It woke me up and now I'm sleepy and mad at you, so don't come in here all 'good morning babe' because it makes it really hard to be mad at you!"

Everyone except Luke looked surprised by my outburst, he just stood inches away from me grinning. His eyes so blue I could get lost in them met mine, his lips pressed softly against mine and just like that it was a good morning. "I'm sorry."

I tried to control my breathing and gather myself long enough to answer him. "You..you should...be." Way to hold it together Jo.


I decided on a hot shower to help me relax and freshen up since we were going out tonight. I dressed myself in my usual skinny jeans and T-shirt.

I went to join everyone in the living room but no one was there. I could hear Luke talking or yelling? Heading towards his voice I stopped outside Ashton's door. "After he almost slipped this morning you can't put it off much longer." What the hell was Michael talking about?

"Fuck it, I'll take her out on this girl day you have planned but Luke, I'm only doing this so she can be happy at least for a few more hours." Erica sounded tired, whatever they were talking about she was over it. My happiness seemed to be subject of this conversation and that was when I decided I didn't want to hear anymore of this secret meeting.

I walked in and all eyes were on me, Luke rubbed the back of his neck as he smiled. "Hey, did you have a good shower?"

"Umm. Yeah. What's everyone doing?" I looked at Erica in hopes she would spill everything.

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