Layla (in loving memory)

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The words Layla is dead kept playing through my mind the whole ride home.  "Is there anything you need?" Even Luke's worrying about me couldn't make me feel better.

"I would say I need to go home but my parents will be there and I don't even want to think about telling them what happened."

"You stay at my house if you want...?" He offered shyly.

"Thank You." I replied dryly.

We got to his house at 2:00 and I settled myself comfortably on his couch. Luke kindly offered me lunch but I declined, only for him to order pizza anyways.

I sat on the couch with memories of Layla flooding my head. Just last summer her and I drove to Wembley Stadium for a concert festival. I can still see her drink in hand dancing in the crowd, singing every word to every song.

After the concert was a over I wanted her to walk to the bathroom with me but she wanted to continue her conversation with a cute boy. As I was heading to the bathroom I bumped into the one and only Ed Sheeran and he even took a photo with me! She was so mad that she didn't come with me.

We had tons of wonderful memories like that. Layla was the only person in the world who actually loved me for me, she understood me and my flaws. Layla was my escape from my parents and problems but now  she was gone.

"You are going to eat something." Luke said sternly. Not wanting to fight I ate two slices of pizza as he sat beside me casually stealing glances.

"What are you thinking," he asked.

"Just about Layla and all the wonderful things she's done for me." Tears begin to flow and I feel myself falling apart when this amazing blue eyed boy scoots next to me and starts to hold me. His body feels warm, as I lay my head on his chest I focus on his slow deep breaths. While one of his hands plays with my hair, the other wrapped tightly around me.

How did this even happen and why am I here? I don't even know this kid. I've seen him three times and he's already seen me in my underwear.

Something about Luke just feels right, I feel safe and comfortable with him. I feel something else in the pit of my stomach, something kinda like butterflies. It strange to think that if I hadn't gone to that party I wouldn't be cuddling with some guy I barely know.

I remember the first time I saw him, it was mall day with Layla. I walked to the skate park and he was standing with his group of friends.  As soon as I got there he turned his attention to me. Luke eyed me up and down with a smirk on his face. He was in tight black skinny jeans with two slits at the knees, he had a dark grey sweater and beanie on. I swear that damn lip ring and quiffed hair was driving me insane.

We locked eyes only for a second before Layla showed up....If it wasn't for her I would've never met Luke, I know him and I aren't even really friends but I think there's a reason I met him. Maybe that reason is Layla. They say when something good ends something better comes into your life.

All this deep thinking must have made me tired because I woke up laying next to a very sleep Luke. He had one arm curled around my shoulders as my head rested comfortably on his chest. Having no clue what time it is or even what day I reached for my phone trying my best not to wake him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."

"Its alright Jo did you sleep good?"

"Not really. I guess I was really tired," I chuckled. "Luke why'd you stay with me? I mean I feel bad for falling asleep on you, and well falling apart to I guess..."

"Did you not like it?" He said nervously.

"No! I enjoyed it a lot, I was just wondering because I'm just some girl from a party that you don't even know and you've taken me into your home. I didn't think you'd wanna stick around for cuddles."

"I know how much your cousin meant to you, you found comfort in her... I figured my cuddles might help comfort you." He smiled and just like Layla the boy I barely know, knew exactly what I needed.

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