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So far living with Luke has been absolutely amazing. I get to fall asleep and wake up beside him everyday. He continuously makes me feel loved which is something I've never had before.

Ashton and Michael really love having Luke around as well. The three of them do everything together. They have been helping Luke with his dream of becoming a successful musician, sometimes they stay up all night helping him write and play together. I'd never known that Ash and Mikey could play instruments until now but I guess I never payed much attention.


I was looking forward to sleeping in today but instead I wandered out into the living room where Ashton, Michael and Luke were jumping up and down. "It's Saturday why are you guys being so obnoxious this early?" I asked grouchily.

Luke wrapped his arms around me lifting me up into the air. "You will never guess what happened?" He set me back down looking at me with the cheesiest smile I'd ever seen.


"We got a gig booked at pub on Main street!" The three of them began yelling again and I joined in on the excitement.

"Oh my god! You guys this is amazing!" I squealed while hugging all of them.

"No Jo this is fucking amazing!" Michael replied causing us all to laugh.

Most of our morning consisted of them trying to decide what songs to play and more importantly what to wear. "You guys are such girls." I giggled while getting up from the much too comfortable sofa.

The boys spent their day preparing for their big show tonight. I was so excited for them and I was happy that Luke could live his dream even if it was only for tonight.

I wanted to do something special for them so I decided to cook them a nice dinner before the show. Grabbing the car keys I yelled, "I'll be back later." and with that I set out on my journey to find the perfect meal.

If I wanted to make them a dinner that meant a lot to them I should've just ordered pizza. I put my brain to work as I pushed the shopping cart around the store, observing different types of food.

I picked up a package of steaks that to be honest were way out of my price range but I knew that my boys deserved something special for once. Just as I was about to get in line I felt someone ram into me with their cart. I turned around ready to bitch whoever it was out. "What the hell is your--" I was cut off by Calum's laughter.

"Hey Jo no need to get upset." I ran over and hugged him.

"Where are the guys? You managed to get away from them." He teased.

"Well they have booked a gig at the pub in town and I wanted to cook them a special dinner. Shhh it's a surprise." I giggled at my attempt to be mysterious.

"That's incredible I'll have to come see them."

"Calum you should come to dinner too! Then we can all go together." The thought of not having to sit by myself at the pub made me way more excited.

"I don't want to intrude on your family dinner." He was so polite and sweet.

"You would not be intruding. Can't you see that you're apart of this family." I smiled at him and I could see how much me saying that meant to him.

"Ok I'll come over when I'm done shopping." He smiled before disappearing into a crowd of shoppers.

I paid for my items and rushed home. Preparing the meal was actually easy, I was a pretty good cook and I somewhat enjoyed it. None of the boys noticed that I was cooking until they smelled it. I swear they all ran down the hall and crashed into the kitchen like little kids. "What's that delicious smell?" Luke asked.

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