Our Love

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" Well I'm glad you're here." It really was a nice treat after the boring day I've had.

"Let's go for a night drive, yeah?"

I slid into the passenger seat. "Just like old times."

We listened to our favorite songs and drove around the different streets. It sounds boring but with the right person next to me I was having a blast. Until he turned the music down and smiled at me.

"So how do you like having my old job?"

"It's so boring, I don't know how you did it for so long Ash."

"You should just drop it and come-" He furrowed his brows together before collecting himself nervously. "You should do something you love it's way more fun."

"Luke said you swapped days with Sam....Are guys like friends now?"

I shrugged my shoulders. "We're basically just co-workers, he seems like an ok guy I guess."

"Just be careful around him ok?" Ashton glanced over at me and I could see the seriousness behind his eyes.

"Why would I need to be careful around him?" Part of me didn't want to know why. Maybe Ash was just being weird but I had to ask.

"He has a bit of a past and I think, no, I know you should be careful. He isn't as nice as you think."  Curiosity was taking me over and I wanted to know more. I could tell Ashton was holding back and getting frustrated. "Just promise me you will be careful please?" 

"I promise." By now the car was parked outside of the house. Ashton hugged me tightly and whispered 'Thank You.' We walked inside together in a comfortable silence. I promised Ash I would be careful but I can't imagine Sam doing anything really horrible....

The house was quiet everyone had already gone to bed except me and Ashton. "I saved you some pizza, its on the counter." Grabbing my pizza I followed Ashton to his room.

He looked at me confused for a moment and then simply shrugged. He rid himself of his shirt and changed into some sweatpants. It didn't bother me that he changed in front of me, we've been best friends forever and have gone through so much that seeing each other in underwear is nothing. Everything about our friendship was comfortable and I loved that. I sat cross legged on his bed stuffing my pizza while he occupied himself with his phone.

"I've missed you Ash!" I grabbed a pillow and threw it at him.

"I missed you to Jo. Every single day." Ashton reached his arms out for me and I hugged him as tight as I could.

"I love you Ashton."

"I love you more."

I left Ashton's room a few minutes later and changed into some pajamas. Luke was sleeping soundly as I curled up next to him, careful not to wake him. I wouldn't have to leave  his side for the entire week.


I woke to Erica jumping on my bed while shouting for me 'to wake my ass up.' Giving in I climbed out of my warm and cozy bed, following her to the kitchen. "Where is everybody?" I asked as Erica handed me a cup of coffee.

"Mikey and Luke went shopping they said something about a surprise. Calum and Ashton wanted to have a bro day whatever that means." She emphasized bro day which made us both laugh. Coffee usually leads to morning giggles with us.

"Surprises and a bro day, this could get weird..."

The two of us talked about how happy we were to have all the boys back. She gushed to me about how much she loves having Michael to hold her at night and of course the many other activities they do at night. I told her about how worried Ashton was about me working with Sam, which only made her want to meet Sam. We sat around gossiping until finally Michael and Luke came home.

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