Is Happiness Real

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The three of them greeted me with a few mumbled hellos. They were in video game mode so I went to my room to change into some pjs.

It was still a challenge for me to understand why Luke was here and why they were all hanging out. Making my way over to the couch I squeezed between Luke and Michael. It was very uncomfortable and the only thing to take my mind off of being squished was an annoying video game that I didn't see the point of.

After a few minutes of intense boredom they all paused for a bathroom/food break. That's when Luke pulled me to him placing me on his lap. He wrapped his arms around me still holding his controller and I just made myself comfy in his arms. I drifted in and out of sleep, waking because of an occasional yell or quick pressing of buttons that shook me a little. Luke's arms were comfy but me bed would be more comfortable.

Nuzzling into his neck I pressed soft kisses from his shoulder up to his jawline. Hoping to get his attention.

"I'm going to bed babe." I whispered.

"Okay."   His attention was still on this game, I could see how much fun he was having. How much fun they were all having.

I gave up and went to bed, leaving a kiss on Michael and Ashton's cheeks.  "No kiss for me?" Luke pouted.

"You just aren't as special as we are mate." I smiled at Mikey's response.

" Yours will be waiting for you in the bedroom." I shot Luke a wink but honestly I was too exhausted to mess around tonight. Curling into my bed I immediately fell asleep.

The next morning when I woke up I expected Luke to be beside me. Reaching for him I felt the cold and empty space. I couldn't imagine him leaving last night it was almost 3 a.m when I came to bed.

Getting out of bed I walked to the living room, finally finding him. Luke was sleeping on the couch still clutching onto his controller. Ashton and Michael were lazily  spread out on the floor. This was probably one of the cutest things I've ever seen.

I grabbed a few blankets and covered them up, before I treated myself to a shower. Sharing a bathroom with two boys I've learned to enjoy my showers when they are sleeping. I turned on the hot water and stepped in as the steam filled the room.

After I finished getting myself ready I decided to hang out in my room while the boys slept. I grabbed my headphones and clicked shuffle. I started to think about my life. The three people who I care most about seemed to be getting along great, they were all asleep in my living room like a couple of lads. That's all I ever really wanted. Actually I ended up with more than what I wanted because now I had Erica too.

All of these thoughts about my life made me happy but I couldn't help but worry. Right now I had everything I needed and wanted, that's the problem. One day all if this could crumble and fall apart. I could loose it all I'd be broken and clueless. Most people would look at how perfect their life was and smile but the bad things that creep up in my head, those things usually come true.

I tried my best to wash those thoughts out of my brain. I heard a loud crash from the kitchen and went to investigate. Michael had tried to make himself food and failed epically.

"Go sit down, you clearly don't know what you are doing."

He glared at me before hugging me.

"Thanks Jo! You know me so well."

We stood in the kitchen holding each other for a long time. I could hear his stomach growling so I broke away from our hug and started cooking up some chicken.

Ashton met me in the kitchen as I finished fixing everyone's plate. We smiled at each other as he grabbed a coffee cup filling it with the fresh tea I had made.

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