1 - Reset

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I ran through the trees. I loved the air rushing past me; it was too bad there wasn't much wind in the underground. The kid had probably already fallen, which meant I had to get to the ruins as fast as I could. I finally reached the door - just in time, too; the kid was opening it. A determined look was written on their face, how cute. They scanned the path for traps - traps they had died from a thousand times before. I had ensured that there was no way out, for somebody normal, at least; however, the kid was anything but normal, and they somehow avoided getting killed. I had more than that, though. I always did. I walked out onto the path, staring down the kid.

"Heya, Murder!" They said, with a stoic grin. "We're sure gonna have another mad time, eh?"

"You don't know the half of it, kid." I replied.

"I think last time was really unfair. Flamethrowers are really overpowered."

"You killing my brother was unfair, too. You didn't seem to care."

"Hee hee! I guess you're right! But..do you ever get bored of all this?"

The kid then took a step forward. The kid also stepped on something called a trap. Their soul shattered again. Now I just had to wait until next time. Wait, did they say they were bored? Eh, it was probably nothing. World was gonna reset soon, I supposed. What to do, what to do.

"Hey Papyrus, what do you want to do?" I asked my brother. He was a ghost, since I killed him. I loved him so much!

"Brother, you should most certainly take a walk to Waterfall. You're stressed." He replied.

"You're the best, bro."

"I am the Great Papyrus!"

I chuckled and started towards waterfall. The forest was dark, and dust filled the air. To anybody else, it might have been sickening, but...I wasn't somebody else. I was bothered by it at first, granted, but after a while, it just became a permanent part of the underground. I got used to the dust of my victims a long time ago. Did that make me crazy? Perhaps. 

When I reached Snowdin, I didn't stop. The buildings looked the same as usual, the lights were still on, my front door was always open, and the tree was intact; the only difference was the cloud of dust looming over it all. This was Snowdin; well, it was my Snowdin, anyway. I'd seen it like this too much to remember what it was like before, and I stopped counting the resets after it became clear they would never stop. Even when I died, I got brought back. Once, I thought being practically immortal would have been fun; how wrong I was. I was smarter now, and I knew that immortality wasn't what they said it was in fairy tales.

After a fair amount of walking, I found myself surrounded in echo flowers. They were covered in dust as well. The echoes produced were..less than comforting. They were mostly yelling, asking not to be killed, it wasn't like I hadn't heard it all before - a couple thousand times or so.

"Isn't this nice, brother?" Papyrus asked.

"Sure, bro." I returned. I wasn't going to upset my brother, now was I?

"I knew it was a good idea!"

"You have the best ideas, bro."

"Yes I do!"

"Tibia honest, I bet you have quite a femur floating around."

"Murder! Stop telling those awful puns!"

"Okay, bro. We should get home now. I have to log today's events."

"Good thinking, brother! I must be rubbing off on you! Now if we could only do something about those dreadful puns you make."

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