LI - 4 - Plans

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The bad people had taken me away from Dusty; they hurt him badly, too! They made him sleep before taking me away; I was scared! I wanted Goopdad! I wanted Kills, Cousin Horror, Crossy, Uncle Erry, and Dusty! They had taken me to a different place and put me in a bedroom. They said that they would take care of me; I hoped that wasn't the same "care" as Goopdad's stories..I was scared of those stories. Goopdad told them to me when I was bad; the last time was when I sneaked to the basement alone..I wasn't going to do that again. I saw that the bad people were pretending to be nice in order to gain my trust, but I wasn't going to trust them; I had promised Dusty that I wouldn't, and I knew to keep promises! Goopdad said that promises were special, and breaking them was really bad! I didn't want to be bad! I had been left alone by the bad people, but they said they were coming back. They left me some toys, but I didn't want to play; I wanted my family! Dusty was hurt..the bad people had hurt Dusty! I wanted to go home..everyone nice was at home. When the bad people came back, they were smiling; I didn't trust them.

"Hello, Ink!" The one wearing a crown waved.

"Home!" I demanded.

"Ink, this is your home now." The tall one said.

"No! Wanna go home! You bad!"

"Ink, we're not going to hurt you!" The blue one picked up a toy. "We just want to be your friends!"

"No!" I knew that they didn't! Dusty told me so!

"Gosh, what did Nightmare do?" The tall one groaned.

"I don't know..maybe we should introduce ourselves." The blue one walked up to me, handing me the toy; I put it aside. "Hello, Ink! My name is Blue!"

"Bad Blue!" I didn't like Blue. "Dusty hurt 'cause you!"

"Um.." Blue walked away to the other bad people. "Next?"

"I'll try.." The one with a crown approached me. "My name is Dream!"

"Bad Dream!" I didn't like Dream, either. "You make family sad!"

"..." Dream walked away like Blue did. 

"I'll go." The tall one came up to me last. "My name is Swapyrus, Ink."

"Bad Swap-Swapy.." I couldn't say that, but I didn't like him, however way he said his name!

"You can call me Swap."

"Bad Swap!" I didn't like Swap. "You hurt Dusty most!"

"We did it to save you!"

"Nuh-uh! You meanies! You hurt family!"

"Ink, they aren't your family!"


"They kidnapped you and made you think they were your family!"

"Nuh-uh! They family!"

Swap frowned. "It seems that this will be harder than we had expected.."

"Well, the judges are here.." Blue mentioned. "Maybe they'll have ideas."

"Right.." Dream walked back over to me. "Ink, can I carry you?"

"No!" I didn't want bad people to carry me! Only family was allowed to carry me!

Blue sighed, picking me up.

"Down!" I cried. "Down, down, down!"

"Come on, Ink." Blue didn't put me down.

The bad people took me to a different room with a big table and lots of chairs; there were more people there, but I didn't see my family..they weren't here! The other people looked like my family, but they weren't..I wanted Goopdad! I wanted to go home! The bad people put me under the table before anyone could see me; they were hiding me away! I didn't want to be hidden away! I wanted help! I hoped the other people weren't bad people, too, but Dusty said not to trust anyone; I wasn't going to. The bad people started talking after they had hidden me under the table; Blue was holding me in place to make sure I couldn't escape..

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