ATE - 25 - Me

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Today was the day exactly one hundred years after my capture; much had changed since then. Ink claimed that he had something special for me, but I didn't really need it; of course, if Ink wanted it to be done, I wouldn't get in his way. My brother still tried to get me to talk to him, despite the injuries he had received in doing so; he really was an idiot. As time went on, the amount of souls that I had touched grew to over ten thousand, and the number increased every day. I supposed that people were scared of me, but I wouldn't stop unless Ink told me to; Ink actually liked it, and I wasn't going to stop if he liked it. I had even touched the soul of my brother, but he still insisted on trying to talk to me; I didn't understand. The day started out as a bright morning, and it was hardly evident that a century had passed. I met Ink with a bright smile to start the new century; it would no doubt be even better than the last.

"Good morning, Dusty!" Ink greeted. 

"Good morning, Ink!" I returned happily.

"Did you sleep well?"

"How could I not?"

"Do you know what today is?"

"A bright new century under your rule?"

"Oh, Dusty, you are just the sweetest thing!" Ink patted my skull. "It also happens to be your anniversary!"

"You know, we don't have to celebrate me. We could celebrate you instead. You're much more deserving than I am."

"Dusty, you make me feel like I'm on top of the world! We really should celebrate your anniversary, though."

"If you insist. You're the best, Ink."

"Thank you! Now, come on! No work today!"

At this, Ink picked me up off the ground and made me stand; that was quick. Before I could process what was happening, Ink had tied a rope around my wrist and started dragging me down a hallway; he seemed excited. Ink led me to the place where large trainings occurred; it also happened to be the place where I got my rank. Ink untied me next to the stage and told me to wait as he addressed the crowd. Ink looked so happy today; I was happy for him. Pretty soon, Ink began his speech; I could have listened to him talk for hours. 

"Good morning, everyone!" Ink grinned. "As some of you know, today is a very special day! Exactly one hundred years ago, a prisoner was taken. I made him my personal toy - and I honestly tortured the heck out of him, but that isn't important right now - before making him my right hand! Some of you know him as 'that guy that passes me every day in the hall,' others think he's somewhat of a bully, more think of him as a friend, and a lot of you know him as the Soul Carver, but everybody knows his name! Please welcome Dusty!"

I walked up to the stage and met Ink in the center of it. I wasn't much for theatrics - that was Ink's department - but I did give a small wave.

"Now, Dusty?" Ink turned to me.

"Yes?" I wondered if he had something for me to do.

"Are you happy?"

"I'd be happy anywhere if you wanted me to be!"

"I mean it. Are you honestly happy?"


"Great! In that case, when was the last time you ate cake?"

"Um..before I was executed.."

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