SD - 2 - Takeover

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I don't think Nightmare or Shattered actually have the powers mentioned in this story - including future chapters - but I need them to have them for plot :3



Nightmare had left about thirty minutes ago, and I was being absolutely destroyed in backgammon..Killer was too good for me to even try to win against. Now that I thought about it, Killer was good at just about every board game, from backgammon to checkers. Once upon a time, I could actually beat him in something like checkers, but that time had long since passed. As a result, I hadn't won a board game against him in decades, and that was saying something. I was getting a bit worried about Nightmare; he usually didn't stay out this long on a simple negativity check..those took ten minutes, at the most. Killer picked up on my worry halfway through a game of backgammon.

"Somethin' wrong, Dusty?" Killer made his move.

"Just worried about Dad.." I made a move that I probably shouldn't have. "He's been gone for longer than usual.."

"I'm sure he's fine."

"Yeah..I'm probably just overworried."

"There he is now!" Killer noticed a goopy portal.

"Guess you were right."

I turned my attention to the portal, seeing a goopy figure walk through..but I didn't know that goopy figure. That was not Nightmare, and I knew that immediately, drawing a dagger; I wasn't sure if whoever it was was a threat, but I wasn't going to risk it. The figure stood there, not moving; he had somewhat of a yellowish tint to his goop..this was certainly not Nightmare. Everything was quiet for about thirty seconds, giving us enough time to examine the goopy figure. When the thirty seconds had passed, the figure opened his right eyesocket, revealing a sharp yellow eyelight. We had no time to react. In what felt like a split second, we were each grabbed by a slimy tendril around the neck, and we were lifted up into the air. Error was the only one of us who might have been able to break free, but he wasn't present; as a result, we were forced over to the figure, who eyed us up curiously. We were struggling in his grip, having no time to wonder why he looked so much like Nightmare; we needed to fight off this invader, but he didn't exactly seem like the type that would go down, even with a battle. After a couple minutes of struggling, he spoke.

"Pitiful." He scoffed. "I thought you would have been harder to take than that. Have you no strength? Ah, well, I can change that."

"Who are you?!" I tried to kick the invader, only succeeding in being pushed farther away and hurting my hip again, but I couldn't think about that. "Where is Nightmare?!"

"Nightmare is dead."

At this, we stopped struggling; no, he couldn't have..

"You're so sensitive..I really didn't expect that. I will be your leader from now on, and you will obey every order I give to you."

"Wh-what if we d-don't?" Cross questioned. 

"If you don't.."

The invader tightened his grip with his tentacles; we didn't have to breathe, but we at least wanted our spines intact! After a minute, he loosened his grip back.

"You would be surprised how many ways I can hurt you with these.." The invader chuckled darkly. "But that's only if you disobey.."

"Wh-who a-are ya?" Killer stuttered.

"My name is Shattered. Of course, you aren't going to be allowed to call me that; as my new minions, you will refer to me as..master."

"Never!" I wasn't having it. "You aren't going to control us!"

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