30. Did we lose?

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The fight had already started. Izuku had run off and I ran after him, but I lost him on the way, even though I was running all day, Izuku was still faster than me.

I went down to the ground to use my quirk and locate him, but some sort of knife weapon thing stopped me from using my quirk. I followed to strange weapon up and it was in fact an extend tooth. This guy was using his teeth was weapons.

"They said I couldn't kill you, but that doesn't mean I couldn't hurt you!" He yelled as he tried to attack me some more.

I dodged his attacks and threw some fire at him, he made strange, unhuman like movements to dodged my attacks.

"Your better than I expected..." He mumbled.

Suddenly I heard a voice, it was Mandalay but she wasn't any where around me so she must have been using her quirk.

"Everyone! Mr. Aizawa has given you permission to use your quirks to defend yourself!" She said. "Also, we may have a reason to why they are here, some kids name Bakugo and Ari." She added.

Me? Why would they want me? This guy said he wasn't allowed to kill me, but he still said he could hurt me. Although with permission I just got, I have a sort of advantage to use my quirk.

His teeth caught me off guard and they went down to hit me. A shard of ice suddenly appeared out of nowhere and trapped the teeth, stopping them from hitting me.

"Ari! Are you okay?" Todoroki asked me as he came out of the bushes, followed by Bakugo.

"Yeah, thanks for that." I say butterflies filled my stomach when he saved me.

The teeth guy started to attack me more. It was now that I'd realised Todoroki had someone on his shoulders, the guy was unconscious.

Bakugo wasn't afraid to use his quirk, he didn't even think twice about it. Todoroki used minor parts of his quirk to defend himself and us. I blocked some attack that went rouge.

They way they fought, I don't think they knew the villains were after me and Bakugo. Why were they even after us in the first place? Bakugo came in first in the sports festival. Todoroki came second. I came third with Tokoyami, why wouldn't they want him as well? Did they actually think Endeavour cared about him to come after him?

I thought about this for a while. It was almost too late when I realised Izuku, Shoji and Tokoyami ran into the fight. Expect Tokoyami was Dark Shadow. Dark Shadow took down this tooth guy within seconds. After that, Todoroki, Bakugo and I used our quirk to create some light so that Dark Shadow would go back to Tokoyami.

"I'm sorry... My friends..." Tokoyami said looking o the ground.

"Don't be sorry, what you did was great." Shoji said reassuring him.

After Izuku told Bakugo that me and him were targeted, Bakugo wanted to go rouge and kill them all. We all ignored him and we both went into 'protection'. Bakugo didn't like it at first, but he came to terms with it and walked with us.

I didn't get far when I felt as if I couldn't move. A teal colour surrounded me and it was if I was caught in a ball. It was cold and I couldn't move a single muscle in my body.

Things around me went by in a flash. It felt as if I was being moved around against my will, trapped. For a second I saw a huge Todoroki try and reach out to grab me by he flew past me, someone else caught me.

I suddenly was able to move again, and the cold air went to the night's breeze. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Bakugo next to me. Someone was holding me by the neck. I saw Izuku running towards us, bandages around his arms. Half of my body was in a warp thing, he wouldn't make it to us.

"Stay back....Deku." Bakugo said as the warp engulfed us.

I was wrapped to a bar. Not a bad one either. The leader of the League of Villain, Tomura Shigiarki was sitting in a stool. I didn't see much, all I saw was a few villains and bar stuff before I was knocked out cold.

Happy birthday Mount Lady!

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