Chapter 7: Flashback

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I got up around 4:30am to pick up bobby from the airport during the car ride all we did was talk about old times .....yea old times were good..... till i met zayn he rewined my whole future. But  even before me and bobby started dating i knew zayn since i was in diapers .... it was just before all of that i was not your average pretty h.s girl i was ugly ,i had a unibrow, flat chested .frizzy hair, no sense of style and braces......nothing.

But it was like zayn didnt care how i looked even though he hanged out with the popular crowd he somehow always made time for me. We always played video games togather and basketball i awlays gave him advice on girls . Till that year i moved away when i was 13teen , we had to move for a year. Zayn was heart broken so was I.....i promised him i would return. Over the time i was gone purberty hit me HARD , it changed my whole body and train of though. My breast enlarged , i got an ass , i got an sense of style (tom boy look), tamed my hair just a little but it was still a bit frizzy and removed my braces and threaded my eye brows. Boys could hardly leave me alone.

when i returned back to bradford ( no i dont have an accent) . Zayn had missed me so much and so did I .... but  could tell zayn viewed me differnt he treated me more like a lady and not his bro . Till the day we were home alone.....

his mom and dad had went out of town to go shop and me and zayn were in his back yard playing football  till he tackled me to hard and my mouth started bleeding . We went in side to rinse my mouth out .... but somehow we couldnt stop laughing. Afterwards we had something to eat and were watching t.v on the couch , we were making some inaproaite sex jokes and were just curios of what he felt like . he asked me if i liked anyone and i knew were this was going . i glanced at the clock . It was silent but then he held my hand. I then asked him if he liked anyone he shook his head no. Im heart started thudding.....he then said : i think i like you.

i got butterflies in my stomach i felt like i was dropping 300millon feet from the sky , i could barely think. This was about to be my first kiss . Zayn leaned in to kiss me and i followed everything his lips did. Kiss suddenly turn into him on top of me making out he stopped me and asked : you really wanna know what sex feels like? .....i really wanted to know .... so i did the un-thinkable .... i had sex at 14 years old on my bestfriends couch while spongebob was playing , it was my first time , and swore it was my last . the pain was so sharp every 5 mintues i had to tell zayn to stop .... he kept getting aggrevated but he understood i mean it was his first time to . We were both grunting, moaning ,screaming, groaning and scratching. Zayn kept pulling my hair and i did the same to him . At one point i did cry for a couple of moments but zayn was caring and just held me till i was done ... i missed that zayn. Afterwards he walked me home.

I went to school next day and he was talking bout this girl named evenlyn he suddenly my head i was like what the fuck , in my heart i was crushed and on the outside i said to him : oh my gosh great you should ask her out . ......And so he did ask her out it was like he totally forgot what happen last night .she said yes to him then time passed and we just kept seperating . THENi met harry and he was just so loveable funny cute and such a flirt . I introduce him to zayn and him and harry instanly became friends ... but zayn could tell he was taking his place , he hated it .

One day me and harry and zayn were walking to the store after school and me and harry were flirting and i guess zayn felt like the thrid wheel somehow during the conversation harry said to me : i'd take a bullet for you. I just blushhed and said the same to him , zayn sudeenly lost his cool : so kiss her. zayn said as if he didnt care . harry grabbed my face and kissed me. right after harry kissed me for a minute zayn told me he had to leave but it didnt seem right i told harry i would see him later and sended him on his way .

I got to zayns house his mom answerd and sended me up stairs to his room. he was crying and sobbing 'whats wrong' i asked him . he suddenly then confessed his feelings for me : i like you so much megan you dont even understand , that night on the couch i didnt forget , i did that because i wanted you to be my first. and when you kissed harry i felt like someone shot me ....i felt like you forgot about it like it was nothing ... it meant the world to me i would do any and every thing for you . tears kept sreaming down his face and his eyes were red . I know he felt alone but i lost touch with him after he did that to me : you think i wasnt hurt ? the very next day you went out with evenlyn ... it hurted me so bad but want to know the differnce i moved on you didnt i got up and lef not giving him time to talk i didnt want him to see me cry.

when i say seeing him in the hallways everyday hurted me it literally hurt me . We grew apart thenfrom then on out it was just me and harry. Then we grew up (16)

high school turned into hell , being with harry changed me i became into a girly girl . And i hadnt talk to zayn in 1 year. In that one year he changed he started bullying me with his other met head friend liam , louis and niall . They told me i was going to be alone forever and i was ugly and was going to stay a virgin the rest of my life and everytime they say that zayn would look at me with this 'shhh...dont say anything' looking innocent and shit . they shove me in the hallways and dump milk on my well done hair. But harry was hardly around to help me he had other friends. as the year contuied i progressed still going threw purberty and suddenly all the football players and basketball players and jocks were all over me. then suddenly alll the girls wanted to hang out with me but i didnt i liked boys as friend better . me and harry still close as ever and zayn still hated me but louis and liam and niall started hanging out with me and harry , and being nice .

then gossip got around that harry was going to ask me out . i got a note in my locker telling me if i went out with harry zayn would confess to every boy personally that we had sex when i was 14. i couldnt risk it i cut school and ran home and told my mom and she said she had a feeling about what me and zayn did she said we were to close. she wasnt even mad . around 12 p.m i was sleeping (in my bra and panties) zayn for the first time in years called me he wanted me to come over . i put on my shorts and tingtop and my slippers and slipped out my window to his house. we talked and we started to rgue and i could help my self in the middle of a sentence i kissed him and then i did it again ... i fucked him. he was WAY much bigger then last time but it was better this time and this happend every monday , thursday and sunday night we would have sex because his parents werent home and each time it got better and better .but sex was hard for us cause it seemed like zayn was getting bigger and my walls kept getting tighter and tighter. then we started talking again and then my sexual desire to have zayn inside me increased 3 times a week wasnt enough for both of us anymore . It turned from 4 to 5 to 6 to 7 to 8 and the time limit expanded  . This went on for 7 months till i graduated a year early because i was on the honor roll i went off to college . Then i met bobby we found love and he propose to me i said yes .... then i went out one night and there zayn was we were both sike to see eachother at the time i was only 19 we dance  & talk .i saw the rest of the boys we and zayn both got drunk he took me back to the hotel room . we fucked for a long time and when i woke up i relized feelings were still there for zayn so did he . bobby found out i got kicked out moved in with zayn and now we are in a 2 year relationship thats sucks balls and is going down hill ....... he just to jelous of me and everything i do .

Then we pulled up to the house and i saw zayn car parked in the front it was time ...

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now