Stop the world

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* Megan p.o.v *

Just friends ... just friends ..... just friends .

How could he say that ? Friends ? Jesus , then he said " Marry " her ? was he serious ... no . I just couldnt processes this at all . I felt like i was stabbed in the back a million times . Zayn kept doing this mind fucking thing to me .

I snugged into my jeans but i could barely fit them .... they were my favorite shorts , that was strange .

' I think you sneak to much cake ' zayn said from the otherside of the bed . ' Your starting to loose your game in bed to too. ' i teased .

' Were you not just screaming my names ? ' zayn crudely joked . '  Oh shut up ... i cant fucking button these shorts up ' I struggled , i mean dammit it was hell trying to get these on this morning . ' I shouldnt have taken these off ' i fiddled with the zipper still trying to get them on .

' Yea maybe i shouldnt have taken them off of you ... let me help you . ' he came over . He grabbed my shorts and tried to buckle it but he couldnt , even with all his strength , he wasnt putting his might in it .

' Zayn put some effort , you got all the muscle for no reason ' i teased him . ' I dont want to hurt you dummy ' he slightly giggled .

' Suck in your fat gut and i'll .... wait when did you get fat ? ' he looked at me stunned but suspicouisly .

' your asking me this now ? ' he was so fucking insulting sometimes .

' Megan . The fuck have you been eating ? its making you round ' he harshly remarked .

' Im not fat ' i shoved him away . ' Look at you ' he laugh pushing me infront of the mirror .

It had been so long since i took a hard long look at myself . ' what is happening to me ' i gulped .

' And your boobs are getting fatter to along with your ass ' he smiled ' more for me ' he cheeckliy laughed .

' For you ? Zayn you just put me in the friendzone ! ' i looked at him with blazing hell in my eyes .

' Your so immature ' he shoved me softly ' I didnt put you in the friendzone , we just like need .... i dont know ' he shrugged .

' You are mentally insane . You have short term memory lost , god ' there he went doing it again ... i didnt need stress .

' Your so annoying megan damn ' he groaned negatively .  ' shut the fuck up , thats why dannie fu- '

' dont you even finsh that sentence ' he interput me . ' Why ? you scared at whats at the end of that sentence ? ' i snarled at him .

' Megan get the fuck out of my room ' he pointed at the door . ' Or what ? You going to choke me again ? throw my head into the wall ? get me knocked up and leave me ? which one is , choose ? '

' Megan , get out ! you lie to me all the time , you break my heart , you cheat ! your no better then me ' Zayn yelled at me .

' Lie ? ' the fuck , when have i ever lied to him ?

' You told me you were nev- .... ' he stopped ' nothing , just get out ' he said gentely .

' What tell me ? ' i asked him softly . ' you made a promises me when we were 14 ..... you said ... well , we both said we would never sleep with anyone eles besides eachother and look what you did .' he frowned . He seemed down .

' But ... you ... you said nicole ... was the " one " ... you made me feel dumb , like you didnt mean it when you said it to me ' i confessed . The tension was slowly dieing down .

' Your always going to be my pudding pops ' he said pinching my cheecks .

Oh my god , he use to call me that when we were younger :[

' You still remeber that ? ' i gasped , jumping on him . He caught me by the back of my thighs .

' Of course , you were my first love babe . ' he pecked me on my lips .

Then i had this uncomfortable gut wrenching feeling ... I felt insecure .

It then got akwardly silent .

It reminded of when zayn got beat up buy that guy for me cause of me .

Just like the time he fought harry over me .

* Zayn P.o.v *

Just holding her and stareing in her deep grey eyes , made me think .

What if i didnt let megan leave that day ? what if i stopped her and saved not only are relationship but my twins ?

but what if ... just what if i could play this right and make her trust me again ... if i did then i could convince her to do it without protection again.

I cared about megan so much . I really , badly wanted to get her pregnet again .

She would get fatter , but in the good way . She would have thicker , a huge ass , big boobs and the round tummy .

Wait  ...

Are so called love ?- (A zaynmalik & meganfox dirty love story) (IN EDITING)Where stories live. Discover now